ForumsThe TavernWhy do you think Zombie/undead games are so popular?

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295 posts

i'm talking both videogames and flash games.

  • 11 Replies
407 posts

Well in my opnion it's because Zombie/undead games get the gamers attention and it's just really goose bumpish and well lots of people enjoy horror games it's been around since the 1930s when the first zombie movies came out so it's like a tradition.

1,370 posts

Because you feel like a god being able to take out hordes of then but it can change in a second one bite or a few hits and your dead. That and their zombies. Zombies kick ***

4,220 posts

Because 13 year old morons.

909 posts

It appeals to the supressed neolithic part of our DNA that we feel inexplicably fascinated with when we start shooting down hordes of zombies. These images are fake but yet they explode upon impact leaving the shooter with a strong sense of unfounded accomplishment.

iow, it's fun.

787 posts

Zombies kick ***

Legitimate argument.

It's just what people are interested in now. Most people (like me) enjoy the rush of struggle and the thrill of escaping death that comes with getting very into a game while in the safety of your home. Like have you ever started yelling OW! when you get hurt in Zombies then escaping? It's absolutely exhilirating. That's why.

Because 13 year old morons.

I expected more from you Orion. -_-
1,773 posts

[/quote]Because 13 year old morons[quote]
Well, apparently not. Its a huge industary.
I think because its let you feel as a hero. saviur of humanity.
Its because its sound so realistic. Its a something that you can belive that you, the true you, can do. just find a wepone and survive the apocalypse. creat your own empire.
Its because tehy are humanoid, which we can accept and understand, but yet monsterus and able to kill free.

what i have to say its - how you gonna survive????? {

4,220 posts

I expected more from you Orion. -_-

You clearly don't know me very well. I post the truth and nothing but the truth.

Well, apparently not. Its a huge industary.

Yes. Because 13 year old morons.
1,370 posts

Because 13 year old morons.

The whole zombie genre is actually based on people over 15 it ranges from any age for example my whole family watches zombie films with ages ranging from 17-51 but the only reason zombie games have younger people is because adults have less time to play games but some still play games like zombie games eg. my friends dad and loads of his dads friends play zombie games.
1,531 posts

Actually, there is a psychological reason to why zombie shooters are so popular. Deep down, all humans have a flawed psyche. People are, by nature, less than ideally behaved. This is why there are laws and structured systems to guide people and generally suppress the negative nature of humanity. When people allow (or summons) that dark nature of the mind to surface and take charge, they commit crimes and do evil things.
A large part of that flawed psyche is a sizable streak of aggression. This is what induces people to commit acts of violence. As mentioned before, this is the part of humanity that most people at least try to suppress. However, without well-founded moral inhibitions or at least something productive to keep oneself busy, that dark nature pushes towards the surface and festers, breeding negative emotions and impulses. Most people try to again suppress this, some "vent," and some let it all explode on some unsuspecting person.
The reason for zombie shooter popularity as related to the above is simple: slaughtering your way through a graphically near-real swarm of the undead caters to that human aggressive nature. It allows people to act out their darker nature without the consequences of actually killing someone. It also serves the basic proclivity of human nature as driven by our "dark side" to rebel against the rules that hold most of our flawed nature in check by allowing the player to do anything - after all, in a world where everyone is dead, the rules don't apply.
Some argue that this is healthy - it allows a person to "vent" or relieve their aggressions in a "societally safe and accepted manner." This may seem true on the surface, but in reality it is far from the truth. Elements of human nature, like aggression, function in much the same way as muscles - the more one uses them, the stronger they become. It is in this manner that they shape the character of who we are. By exercising the aggressive nature through playing bloody, highly violent games like zombie shooters, one strengthens that facet of the mind and thereby increases its tendency to take control in the real world. In short, what we practice, even in fun, we do. That's one reason that the military now uses shooter games as part of training. It's also a reason as to why teen violence has been on a steady upswing in recent years.
That's not to say that all people who play these games will automatically become psychopaths. However, playing those kinds of games, especially in excess, can and does stimulate aggressive behaviors, and therefore can lead to negative end effects. Additionally, doing so also serves to weaken other aspects of one's character by undermining self-control. It takes far more strength of will, and therefore exercise of self-control, to suppress the dark inclinations that are a part of everyone than to allow them to rise and determine the actions one takes, even in the areas of recreation and entertainment. When one consistently sets aside their self-control, even in the name of having fun (what a common excuse that is), it effectively encourages the rest of their negative behaviors to manifest, and that opens the door wide to all sorts of wrongdoing, be it small or great.

528 posts

You get to shoot stuff in the face, and you don't get caught by the V.V.V.P.T.o.S.U.A.A.I.S

Virtual Video Violence Police Team of Super Uber Awesomeness Against Illegal Stuff

1,773 posts

Its not only that, its the idea of a "enemy of everyone", who unit everyone against an enemy we can to defeat.
Its like a hooby of mine {dont worry, im not spending time or money on it, mostly think about it when im borde} to think - how can i survive? wher i can hide? wher i will could get the food? wher are teh exits?. Its teh idea of everything you knew, places that now becom your fort, toolds that now save your life, friends who beecome brothers-in-arm. its that.
and again, its not based on 13 years old kids. most of the main "fans" are abouve 25. Its not the vidio games or the movies. its books. "guids". peoples buy "zombie cars", who soppuse to be the best for zombie apoclypse.

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