Plus... this might be reinstated with the new ArmorGames v3.0 coming... they will probably use the same way they did with the others in the current version of AG, by means of having a contest in the forum. =)
Carlie (currently inactive AG admin) held several Armatar Contests in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in which you could enter your own custom made armatar and in the end, several were picked as the winners, who would have their entries being uploaded by AG and open for every user to choose!
they will probably use the same way they did with the others in the current version of AG, by means of having a contest in the forum. =)
Except the admins are notoriously community shy. It would probably be doubtful that something exactly like the armatars contests should ever happen again, and as other contests seems to be based on making custom levels in games, it probably wouldn't be something that would be at all considered.
Also, there are already several threads on this subject :/
Also, the guide states to not make suggestions here, but why would anyone read important threads, eh.
True, except for Carlie of course... but she is really missed now...
It would probably be doubtful that something exactly like the armatars contests should ever happen again, and as other contests seems to be based on making custom levels in games, it probably wouldn't be something that would be at all considered.
I would be willing to be the mod for that contest as I think it really added to the website! =)
And nobody reads important threads Cen, that's a fact... LOL
I would be willing to be the mod for that contest as I think it really added to the website! =)
I was the mods to try and get it done this winter, but when the admins really doesn't want to involve the community in anything or listen to mods or... Whatever the heck they are so shy about, it is pretty hard. I never got a reply when I asked them to consider it, when I showed them the threads and the submissions. So, if the admins doesn't involve themselves, nothing will happen. Even with a willing moderator, a motivated and talented crowd and a positive community.
It would be good to get custom Avatars, but then nobody would care about the provided Armatars. Also, Armor Games would turn into a site filled with 1000s of pics of half naked people... so yeah, a lot of reasons why not to have Custom PPs.
hello, For me the problem of armatars, it is mainly the lack of choice. So little armatars for so many players, it's not very personalized. ( Not to mention the side w.a.s.p. of them. And the stereotype man armatars of power, girls armatars saying "hello, i am a princess" )
( Not to mention the side w.a.s.p. of them. And the stereotype man armatars of power, girls armatars saying "hello, i am a princess" )
It's a medieval theme, since AG started off as Games of Gondor. There are plenty of armatars that don't adhere to such stereotypes if you're so sensitive.