
37 13604
3,085 posts

Just before I begin - here are some interesting statistics from the BBC that say food production will have to rise 70% by 2050 in order to support the population.

So, what are your views on the idea of overpopulation, is it a clear and present danger to us?

If it is, then what do you propose should be done about it?

I personally think that overpopulation is a big mid-term danger for us and that all too few people really seem to believe that the world can become overpopulated. In terms of solutions, it's hard to really think of one that doesn't 'hurt' people even indirectly, but I imagine that improving the accessibility of contraception (and the ways that contraception is talked about in classrooms) would be a short-term help.

  • 37 Replies
9,462 posts

i did some digging and found a other solution for overpopulation according to Hans Breed.
it's a "architect, architectural theorist, philosopher"
and he came up whit the idea of &quotyramid city", read over his site. it's realy interesting.

It's an Archology. They are considered impractical now but I personally love the idea.

Why not two children per couple? It is not unlikely that some people might have 3 daughters and one boy, and that would be doubling the population.

Yes that could happen. The reason for it would be to first off help maintain a healthy ratio of males to females in the populations. It would also help prevent sex selective abortions from taking place.

First we need to stop celebrating these overly large families on television, at least in the states. The Duggars are contributing to overpopulation seriously.

I always got the impression they were looked at more like a freak show.
428 posts

Overpopulation is a non-issue blown up by the capitalist media.

The real problem is overconsumption. The countries with the highest overall and per capita waste production are, in their vast majority, "developed" nations. One notable exception is China, but consider this: the USA nearly matches their garbage production, but has merely about a quarter of the population.
Statistics show that Americans waste 10% of all the food they buy and generate on average 4-5 pounds of trash a day.

Meanwhile, look at the countries with the largest expected population growth:

Yeah, the USA is merely #5, and the only developed country. The only one where those newborns are going to create piles of trash every day. Those people that are being born in India and Nigeria are going to conform to their countries' much lower consumption rates.

It's fallacious to take the worldwide growth rate and apply it to the worldwide resource consumption rate and think "OMG THERE ISN'T ENOUGH STUFF" - the answer isn't to curb the growth rate but the consumption rate itself.
In other words, consumer culture is to blame.

428 posts

Ugh, my link got ****ed up. Here it is.

9,462 posts

The real problem is overconsumption.

Yes this is part of the problem. Earth's carrying capacity is between 2 and 40 billion people. If all countries consumed the way the likes of the US did we would only have a carrying capacity of 2 billion people. If we all lived minimalist life styles, we would have a carrying capacity of 40 billion people.
I would think neither extreme is realistic. So my guess would be something in between, like 14-20 billion people. With this number this would give us about another 150-300 years give or take.
5,129 posts

@ ihsahn.

the consumption will go down the moment you don't have the resources.

usa has the resources foor now to keep building this massive amount of trash and to waste 10% of the food.
india however does not have the resources to do this so they have to lower their consumption.

it's simple like that.

you you would give the 10% food waste in usa to the indian people, then they will not stay are their consumption they got now but will add the consumption of the 10% food to it.

so in the end it are the resources..

and the real real problem are the hospitals and medical research centers.
but no1 wants to blame them because they have the intention to do good. but on the bigger and longer scale, they are the main problem.

5,129 posts

ive been thinking about a other solution...
what do you guys think of legalised suicide?
a law where you can just go to the hospital and ask to be killed in your sleep. i know lots of older folk sitting stuck in their house and don't see any furtur purpose for their lifes. if you would allow them die. that would help whit 2 problems. 1. the elder costs (financialy) 2. population growth.

4,104 posts

2. population growth.

They aren't reproducing or looking for jobs (probably) at this point, so killing them now wouldn't make much of a difference from them dying in a few years. All it would do is save a bit of resources like food and oil.
787 posts

ive been thinking about a other solution...
what do you guys think of legalised suicide?
a law where you can just go to the hospital and ask to be killed in your sleep. i know lots of older folk sitting stuck in their house and don't see any furtur purpose for their lifes

Thats not suicide, it's assisted suicide. For one, suicide is legal it's just that failing results in a soft spongy white room.

Assisted suicide is illegal, as it brings the other persons opinions and motives into question. Although I agree with Physician Assisted Suicide; there are too many narrow minded people at this point along the road to population issues that it won't be legal anytime soon.
4,104 posts

For one, suicide is legal it's just that failing results in a soft spongy white room.

Killing is legal too, it just results in a life time in jail.

^see how stupid that sounds? Suicide is considered a felony in America.
5,129 posts

They aren't reproducing or looking for jobs (probably) at this point, so killing them now wouldn't make much of a difference from them dying in a few years. All it would do is save a bit of resources like food and oil.

they do add up to the total number.
also if we need to get rid of the people. why not let those who want to die. alowe to die?

Thats not suicide, it's assisted suicide. For one, suicide is legal it's just that failing results in a soft spongy white room.

Assisted suicide is illegal, as it brings the other persons opinions and motives into question. Although I agree with Physician Assisted Suicide; there are too many narrow minded people at this point along the road to population issues that it won't be legal anytime soon.

same go's for this, if we need to get rid of people. why not let those die that want to die.

^see how stupid that sounds? Suicide is considered a felony in America.

it's indeed illegal, but what your gonna do? put a dead body in jail? =P
and when they failled they usualy do not get jail anyway because they are not a harm for the people around them. and if they are, there are clinics for them.
428 posts

usa has the resources foor now to keep building this massive amount of trash and to waste 10% of the food.
india however does not have the resources to do this so they have to lower their consumption.

What the hell are you trying to say? That the only reason Indian people don't waste gigantic amounts of stuff is because they can't?

That somehow Americans' waste of enormous resources is somehow justified by their having those resources? Dude, if you don't produce and throw any 10% more food that you're actually gonna eat, you'll survive either way. It's still wasteful, consumerist behavior.

And honestly, I couldn't even vaguely decipher your whole post.
5,129 posts

What the hell are you trying to say? That the only reason Indian people don't waste gigantic amounts of stuff is because they can't?

yes, and that american consumption will go down from the point they can't get enoufg anymore.
421 posts

There is already population control. Death. Death by war, old age, murder, car accidents, suicide... They say 3 people die every second (if I remember correctly).

How you gonna solve the food problem? IDK

3,085 posts

But the birth rate outstrips the death rate in an increasing number of countries meaning that, whether it's slowly or quickly, the population is still increasing.

9,439 posts

They say 3 people die every second (if I remember correctly).

The CIA World Factbook says it's 1.8 deaths per second. However, it also says there's 4.2 births per second. That means overall there's 2.4 more people every second. here
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