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160 posts

how long have you been with and described your time here whether it was good or bad,and how you got here

i have been with for a little over a year and i have to say its been a pretty good experience and i cant wait to see the new website in full swing
i found through i was actually going to do my homework on armor in WWII but then armorgames came up so have been using the site ever since

p.s. do you think we should be rewarded if you have been with the site for over a year?

  • 13 Replies
3,766 posts

Been on AG for about a year now. Just look at my profile if you want to know exactly how long. I really like the site, so it has been great. Better when cormyn was here but I cannot complain. I found the site because a friend told me about it plus their were lots of good games I liked on it.

No. Lots of people have been here a year.

769 posts

Shoot man, Ive been with this site since 2009. And honestly, you would not remember but I had another account that was 'baseballfamer123' Those were the days. I was banned a long time ago and made this account to continue playing games and talking and what not. I check this site like, once a month just to see what new things have been added.

I used to be in the top 10 for AP points. It was in the time where kingofgames was number one and then (my best friend at the time) starscreamer surpassed him. But honestly, those were the days where playing games and talking to people really mattered. Not points.

Well, thats it for me. Have a good day and what not. Btw, people should not be rewarded for staying over a year. I suggest take points OUT

1,606 posts

I suggest take points OUT

I agree, it does make some people feel that they need to get the points as fast as possible, why? because they just need them.

I've been here for quite a long time, made an acc about 3 years after being on here for the first time, I used to come here only to play games but now I permanently stay sround in the forums and the only games I play are retail.
213 posts

I've been here a little less than a year. But I had a few months where I was inactive, and only started up again this January. I came here for Gemcraft Labyrinth.

I've liked it so far. I, for one, don't really care about the points. I like to meet people and play games. But if I am close to getting a new armatar than I will try to get points a little faster. But that isn't why I play or post.

It doesn't matter to me whether or not we get points for being on here a year. But everyone above has a point about just trying to get points as fast as possible. That isn't the point of the site or the forums.

13,344 posts

I've been here since '08 (technically). I've taken quite a few leaves of absence, but I think overall I've been one of the most active members of the AG community for the past three or so years (despite half that time being spent offline or on other sites).

do you think we should be rewarded if you have been with the site for over a year?

Staying an active member in the community for over a year's time is not rewarding?

I suggest take points OUT

AG3 is way ahead of you. They will have an achievement system of some sort, but it will be much more difficult to abuse.
36 posts

I've been here a little more than two days. Yeah. Armor Games has like always been known to me, but I signed up only a couple days ago.

5,952 posts

i have been here for about a year and 1/4. i have to say i love it. only recently has it not been as amazing as in the past. the addbots piss me off. then the captchas. before that, their were all of the awful tavern threads, thank goodness most of that is gone. but yeah its really nice here. no one is really mean to anyone. its great.

a reward for being on AG for more then a year? hmm it would be nice if you get like a special armatar for being on for a year, but just one. nothing else.

2,226 posts

I've been around the site since I was in elementary school (around 2006 just after Games of Gondor) but only made an account 2 years ago. Since then (this is going to sound bad), this site has kind of made an impact on my life. The forums were a really unique thing and really force me to think objectively (especially in the WEPR). The tavern is where I 'reside' most though, because I like all of the light-hearted threads on here. I also find that if the forum starts to die down, I'll kind of start some new threads and revive it.

p.s. do you think we should be rewarded if you have been with the site for over a year?

Dude, you said you have been here for over a year and think that people who have been members for as long as you should get can't just say (for example) I got to prestige 2 in MW3 and expect Infinity Ward to give everyone over 2nd prestige gifts.
41 posts

I have been here for Four months I love the time I spend on here I found this website from my cousin jsalmeron and I can't wait till ag 3

599 posts

i have been on here a little over a year... I was addicted at first and would stay up all night playing lol but then i got bored.. left... came back and... here i am...

5,061 posts

I've been here for just over three years now, and while I've had a hiatus or two, I've been active for the majority of that time. And I've met a lot of great people and learned quite a bit from said people. Apparently spending several months simply arguing and doing research to support your points is beneficial for school work.

2,300 posts

I've been in Armor Games for about a year and a half. I made this account and saw the Armor Points. So, I was dedicated to getting more. Then, I found the community. The first that piqued my interest was the forum games section. I went into it and found really cool games, really. Some like 'You're Banned'. I also saw some forum RPGs. They're really interesting. So, I read the things they do, it's really fun, yes.

So, I tried making a forum RPG. My very first was called 'The Superhuman'. I think none of you have heard of this. It's really old. But lots of people joined because they think it's cool. So, I didn't care for Armor Points anymore, just focused on my RPG. It was fun.

After about a year and a few months of hosting, I explored other forums, like this, The Tavern and Art, Writing and Music. Lovin' them right now. I'm still hosting an RPG, but I also take the time to write in the Art, Writing and Music forum. The Tavern is where I take some rest, replying in the threads. So, yeah.

IMO, I think Armor Games is so much better than Facebook. IMO, I repeat.

572 posts

about 1 yr, good time

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