Chag Pe'sach Same'ach to the community of Armor Games! This is a place for sharing your personal traditions for the holiday, as well as for questions from any non-Jewish members of AG!
chag sameach. i dont think there is any big or different tradition in my family. also im writing this while the rest are singing 1 mi yodeah XP
I've got to finish killing all these Christian babies if I'm going to have enough blood for my Matzahs. Anyways, wheres everybody going for Passover? I'm going down to Florida (classic Jew move) with my extended family.
I'm having Seder at my house tonight we have about 30 people coming over!
I had to babysit my siblings. :P Then, I got to go visit my friend's, with around 20 others.
I'm having Seder at my house tonight we have about 30 people coming over
well, i had it in my home at the holy land! this is a jewish move!
id say an israeli move. its not that special when you live in israel XDunfortunately its over. and that means i have to work normal days again
l'shanah ha'ba'ah bi yerushala'im!!!!!!NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM!!!!
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