ForumsWEPR[Locked] 9/11 conspiracy theory?

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490 posts

Everyone remembers where they were on september 11th 2001. An unprevoked attatck on americam civilians sent america into a 10 year war against alqiada. i have heard rumors about the us government being somehow directly resposible for the 9/11attacks. Any thoghts, comments,or beliefs of this rediculus theory?Have you heardthis thory before? Also Where wereyou on that fateful day?

  • 82 Replies
3,085 posts

I dunno, probably asleep in bed. Anyway, most of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are the same sort of people that claim the Government meets with aliens in private and allows them to probe citizens, so I'd say we can quite easily doubt their sanity. That's not to mention that almost all of the conspiracy theories are quite easily debunked merely by looking at the facts of what happened.

490 posts

I dunno, probably asleep in bed.

I tke it your not from america? (I dont mean any offence by that i am just guessing)

I agree with averone, im just hoping for some oppinions from some conspiricy theorists...

3,085 posts

Correct, I'm not from America, I do remember that the day that it happened was a very sombre day though - I can assuredly say that Britain stood in solidarity with America in mourning the tragedy.

Here's quite a good list of conspiracy theories and their rebuttals.

116 posts

debunked merely by looking at the facts of what happened.

what are those facts.
i was watching the news right when it happened. i don't know if those people are crazy for inventing such theories but there are few elements that make it hard to quickly dismiss. Like before 9/11 americans were sick of war that the govr lead left and right and it was around the time when people were very keen on the idea to have all the soldiers return home. and after 9/11 all of a sudden that trend disappear into smokes but i'm not saying those theories are true i'm just saying there was a positive outcome of this event for some of your american companies.
428 posts

i'm not saying those theories are true i'm just saying there was a positive outcome of this event for some of your american companies.

That means 9/11 got spun into a political/economic weapon, which it most certainly did, not that it was perpetrated by the government.
It was a terrible thing, yes, but when has a politician ever let that get in the way of mass manipulation?

I propose the government isn't citizen-killing evil, just taking-advantage-of-citizen-killing evil.
It's much easier to cover up (in that you don't have to) and simpler to pull off (in that you don't do anything).
207 posts

@yourcokedealer Did you just make those last three lines up...that was good

3,817 posts

And I know a lot of people find it hard to swallow this
Because subliminal bigotry makes you hate my politics

Actually, it is because of something I like to call "You are totally insane".

But you act like America wouldn't destroy two buildings
In a country that was sponsoring bombs dropped on our children

"Sponsoring Bombs dropped on our children"? When was this? Most of the time when we end up "Sponsoring" our enemies it is usually do to lack of foresight. WWI? Looks like some money here! Lets sell weaponry to both sides. Then fight on one side. Look out! There are commies uprising in the middle east! Lets put someone who hates commies in charge. Arm him and train his men. That will keep the commies out! What could possibly go wrong?

I was watching the Towers, and though I wasn't the closest
I saw them crumble to the Earth like they was full of explosives

...How often do you watch buildings full of explosives fall?

Regardless, planes crashing into buildings happen to act a little like explosives. As in the building falls.

And they thought nobody noticed the news report that they did
About the bombs planted on the George Washington bridge

...What? Bombs planted on a bridge? The George Washington bridge has never been bombed, to my knowledge. As in I just looked it up on Wikipedia and it is still standing...

Four non-Arabs arrested during the emergency
And then it disappeared from the news permanently

When? The GW bridge attack?

They dubbed a tape of Osama, and they said it was proof

Just like the dubbed a tape of Kennedy being shot and the moon landing? Obviously they where both aliens.

Jealous of our freedom

...Or hating us? We tried putting up a kind of puppet government lead by an insane dictator. The "Insane" part came back to haunt us.

I can't believe you bought that excuse

That an insane dictator doesn't like checks on his power so he tried to overthrow it? Sounds logical.

Rockin a mother****ing flag don't make you a hero

Neither do conspiracies. In fact, conspiracies make you look like a moron.

Word to Ground Zero


The devil crept into heaven
God overslept on the seventh
The New World Order was born on September eleventh

...Methamphetamines are illegal for recreational use in the United States.

Why do you
right like
3,817 posts

if you can't acknowledge the reality of my words

....Reality of what? I can't even tell if you are making coherent sentences....

You just another stupid mother ****er out on the curb
Trying to escape from the ghetto with your ignorant ways

A curb? A ghetto? When did we get these things in Montana?

But you can't read history at an illiterate stage

....An illiterate stage? You seem to be the one only capable of speaking in incomplete sentences and who doesn't seem to grasp the value of end markings.
474 posts

The greatest form of control is when you think you�re free when you�re being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can�t see the bars but you think you�re free.

I agree. When there is obvious oppression and there is obviously no freedom in a country, people will want change and will rebel. When there is no obvious oppression and people have no freedom but think they do, things will go on for a lot longer. However, all empires fall one day.
3,817 posts

The greatest form of control is when you think you�re free when you�re being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can�t see the bars but you think you�re free.

Ok. So you are saying the aliens don't want you to know who they are, so they can control your brain easier?

What the human race is suffering from is mass hypnosis. We are being hypnotized by people like this: newsreaders, politicians, teachers, lecturers. We are in a country and in a world that is being run by unbelievably sick people. The chasm between what we�re told is going on and what is really going on is absolutely enormous.

Is that so? And you know this...How? If everyone is telling lies, then why do you have the truth? If everyone else is so "hypnotized", then why do you think that you have found a holiness that no other man can find?

The greatest hypnotist on the planet Earth is an oblong box in the corner in the room. It is constantly telling us what to believe is real. If you can persuade people that what they see with their eyes is what there is to see you�ve got them. Because they�ll laugh in your face of an explanation then which portrays the big picture of what�s happening� and they have.

....A box in the corner of the room? That thing that moves the garage door up and down? Of course. That explains the blinking light. The government must be beaming thoughts into my head threw the garage door opener! I better build a tinfoil hat, and quickly!

It makes about as much since as the bull your pulling.
474 posts

....A box in the corner of the room? That thing that moves the garage door up and down? Of course. That explains the blinking light. The government must be beaming thoughts into my head threw the garage door opener! I better build a tinfoil hat, and quickly!

I really hope your smart enough to know what he's talking about.
3,817 posts

I really hope your smart enough to know what he's talking about.

I can tell what he is talking about. And I know it is just as stupid as stating that the garage door opener is controlling my thoughts on 911 about as much as the television is.

I really hope your smart enough not to believe his bull.
474 posts

I can tell what he is talking about. And I know it is just as stupid as stating that the garage door opener is controlling my thoughts on 911 about as much as the television is.
I really hope your smart enough not to believe his bull.

His bull? Bull's are not known to be incredibly intelligent animals.
3,817 posts

His bull? Bull's are not known to be incredibly intelligent animals.

Compared to him maybe. Hardly as believable as any more credible human source.
3,817 posts

my suggestion is that you do some research in to what people are actually saying before you go and make an *** out of yourself to the entire internet

I can hear what your saying, and I can smell your bull**** from hear.

Have you done any actual research? Some with any value? You have not yet given a reason why you believe the insanity.

Do you know what makes it even funnier? Your a blind man who thinks he can see. A blind man shouting out at the world and calling them blind fools, while he himself knows nothing of what is around him. You say everyone else just goes with what they are told, but you yourself blindly follow what you have been told. A fool who does not know it, a deaf man explaining sound.
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