ForumsThe Tavern2 Year College Vs 4 Year College

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Advantages Disadvantages? Personally I'm following the 2 year plan going to Community College then transferring to UC next year. I'm completely bias on the subject to be honest, I can't understand the need for 4 years when you get everything cheaper the other way around.

Please Discuss from experience or share thoughts

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about this is referring to what your plan is after high school

Option A: Grad from high school with SAT's and grades fitting your school of choice, then go straight to university. More expensive and difficult in every way.

Option B: Grad from high school, grades not nearly as important and SAT's optional. Go to community college for two years and obtain grades fitting your school, transfer to university.

  • 5 Replies
11,891 posts

It may actually take you longer if you start at a 2-year college depending on the coursework you may still need to complete before advancing to the more advanced courses after you transfer. You're also not guaranteed acceptance. You get more opportunity to network with other students and professors in your field of study if you start at a 4-year institution, which in the end is more important than what you're learning.

If you have no trouble with maybe taking on an extra year and are good with networking overall (or just don't care), you have nothing to worry about.

1,608 posts

Well it works different here in the Netherlands.
But after my school I'm planning after school to work a year as part of a college and then spent the summer vacation in Canada, Australie and Japan. Then I will actually start a 3 years college.

1,322 posts

You may be eligible for more scholarship money at the 4 year institution if you go straight there. That depends on your standardized test scores. If you had a not so good time with high school, then you may want to go to a CC and try and get a 4.0 to up your financial aid later on. If you have decent test scores, then it may be a better idea to go straight to the 4 year institution. As Gantic has already pointed out, almost everyone I know of that went to community college first end up doing 3-4 years at the later 4 year institution anyway. Sometimes it is the case that not all of the classes you take at the CC transfer to the 4 year college and the 4 year wants you to retake the class(es) at their place under their program.

Also again adding to Gantic, one of my friends is a transfer. She has to apply to Med schools next year and she doesn't really know any of the teachers at her new school. She's only had any one of her teachers here once, and that makes it harder to find one that can give a quality letter of recommendation. I don't know if any or all upper level (grad schools and such)schools frown on rec letters from Community College professors, but I do know that they won't frown on a four year college teacher for the fact of them teaching at a four year university. ...Plus, a lot of the upper level teachers all know each other which is the case with my Physical Chemistry teacher. He pretty much knows every Chemistry professor at every big grad program in the south east.

Unless you're do the math and your money situation demands you go to a community college, I'd suggest going to a 4 year school.

171 posts

The 4-year college could be better.It depends on if you want a really good job!The more years, the more degrees,the more likely to get a good job!

100 posts

I guess it depends on what amount of schooling you need. For the job i want i would have to have four years.

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