Masonry? Alright? Not really on this thread but OK.
Masonry is hardly a necessity in modern times, as most buildings are built by machine with wood and cement and such. I guess you could build a castle or something, which would be cool, but it would be pretty difficult for any mason to make a living for free, or build an entire castle by himself. As such I say he goes and gets a different job, preferably not one that is "free".
That is my opinion on masonry. That is what you get for having nothing in the OP.
If Topic is Freemasonry, let answer in Freemasonry Thread be: I hear a bunch of conspiracy theories about this. They (From what I heard) are also known as Illuminati and are the people behind unified government. To me they seem more of a cult though. A professional, media worthy, cult. Another thing is that they have a heavy hand in every countries government. And now from my personal experience: 3 sides of my family (Dad, Mother, Step-Dad) have freemasons in them. The actual members in my family are old and don't come to family activities frequently, so I have little time to ask about any of it. Even if I do, they seem to get uncomfortable about the topic and try to change the topic.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of them are watching this thread for every moment that it continues to stay on the first five pages.
If Topic is Masonry, let answer in Freemasonry Thread be:
The profession of building houses with cement and bricks. That is all.
I don't know much about free masons but I do know they are good people and were around during the revolutionary war my grandfather always would tell me that we were related to some.
One time I saw a car with the free mason symbol on it and was really interested at what went on with them (I had recently watched a documentary about the history of some European cities on the History channel and things about [literally] underground occult free mason practices started to come was really interesting).
Freemasonry is dodgy, I'm not talking about the whole: 'new world order' stuff, no, I think that's utter tripe. Firstly because the masons are not a political or religious group, they contain many different religions and political views.
I know some freemasons, most of them make no secret of it, they don't advertise themselves as masons, but if you ask them they won't deny it, but they will not tell you what goes on in the lodge.
I'm not saying they're worshipping satan, or plotting world domination, from what I know they're more like a very very exclusive networking center. For example, Masons have been caught drunk driving, but miraculously got off, because the policeman in charge is also a Mason. I don't think they're veil, just possibly corrupt.