i like the cod black ops you tuber airocodmaniac he has shown me 1/2 of all gliches i no the rest i found by myself he also does mw3 so iv seen alot of glich spots i cant remember them all [quote]
Remi Gallard has some pretty funny videos. I would have to say that he my favorite Youtuber. I usually don't go to a certain persons profile though, I just look for good videos.
Lol Everyone is Saying all the BIG SHOTS ON YOUTUBE! my fav is RubyDog189 Youtube it, it is Hilarious oh yeah its also FreddieW Fav Channel too! but Smosh and all the others are funny just not my Fav.
Remi Gallard has some pretty funny videos. I would have to say that he my favorite Youtuber. I usually don't go to a certain persons profile though, I just look for good videos.
How did you know him ? oO I didn't know he was known out of France =o
Well I like French youtubers like Diabl0x9, BeastModeIII, jayyas, Boolbiche but you don't know them so... x) In the english ones, I like SMOSH, freddiew and SandyRavage :]
I like Remi gaillard as well. I watched all his videos in 2 days :P That's a guy who dares! And I'm from Belgium What's your username on youtube? Mine is TheRubenXP