ForumsThe TavernBreaks good thing? Or bad?

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I usually have 30 minute breaks during my homework when im bored so when im done I'll feel refreshed and get back to homework. But everytime I do 30 minute breaks I end up extending it and never getting my homework done. I don't "forget" about my homework, I just don't want to do it. I Another thing is after I have my 30 minute break I forget my ideas i wanna do but sometimes I get more ideas so I would write down my ideas on a sticky note and then get back but this leads to my first problem. Should I just finish my homework and get it over with or take a 30 minute break to chill so I don't get too stressed?

Also, does anybody have a similar problem?

  • 5 Replies
8,253 posts

If your homeworks aren't too much, maybe it's better you do it in one block. However if you have several hours to work, I'd suggest you make 15min breaks. 30min is too long, as you seem to experience yourself Same goes for learning, you'll assimilate more if you do a few small breaks than if you sit there for hours.

1,673 posts

I think that it really depends on the scenario that you are in. If you are writing an essay and all of the sudden you get an amazing epiphany obviously you probably should keep writing until all your ideas are on paper so you don't forget them. But usually I think breaks can help if you if you are stressed out and really frustrated with your homework.

Now this brings me to another thought, what if you've procrastinated and are up at three in the morning trying to finish all of your homework before the next day? I think it might be better to just finish it all up without a break and then get a (better) night's sleep.

5,340 posts

usually 10 minutes breaks are good (from what i heard.) i personally cant get breaks because i know im lazy and just wont go back.

to be honest, except for english ,math (sometimes) and biology (we never got homework but if we would id do them) i never did any homework so im not a good example. it depends on what kind of person you are.

if your normal then 10 minutes breaks are great. if your lazy like me just do it until your done. it also depends on the subject. obviously if its math you cant take a break in the middle of a problem

13,657 posts

usually 10 minutes breaks are good

Most computer experts recommend 10 minutes of break from the computer for every hour used. Both because you need to relax, but also because your brain might need a little break.

I think your general issue here isn't that you are taking breaks, but rather that you take half a hour of break and that you are not going back to work when it is done. Then it's not a break, then it's just procrastination.
As for the ideas, keep a notepad with you/open on the computer and put in your ideas. Or break your break when you get an idea, write some more, and go back to your break afterwards.
311 posts

maybe just stay at your computer and surf ag instead of like going and walking around will help you to concentrate

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