ForumsWEPR"Terrorism:" Is it just a belief, idea, or is there a reason?

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132 posts

Discuss your ideas on "terrorism" if you wish to refer to it as that, here. I am neither with or against it, I simply wish to know everyone's opinion on it.

  • 30 Replies
13 posts

If I remember correctly Max Weber says state is a legal terrorist organization.

what makes use of force legitimate? success of the terrorist organization? for one side those peoples are martyrs and on the other side they are seen as murderers

370 posts

terrorism is not a belief, idea or any of that.

terrorism is the act of causing terror.
anybody can do it and America have done it

1,633 posts

I'm so proud to be an American right now!


you gotta love our foreign polices.

370 posts

When U.S bombs, invades, kills all living things in one country then it's called peace force.

and if somebody does any of those things to the US its terrorism.
this should be in the "why do you hate the US" tread
51 posts

It is all three of those reasons which you have stated.

It is a belief:
They think it is a belief because in their religion, it says that God will reward them for those acts. He rewards them with the 72 virgins in heaven. Personally, I think that is bull. Did God ever say (even if he did) that they would be women virgins?? NO!

It is an idea:
It is an idea for the Muslims to do this because they think that God will reward them just as I said in the "belief section" of my reasoning.

It is a reason:
It is a reason for multiple things. They (Muslims) think that if they blow themselves up, that they will receive pride and glory (stupid).They also could believe that the reason for their bombing is that they simply hate one thing.

What I am saying is that I am against terrorism. I believe that it is wrong to just go around bombing the snot out of people/things because your religion says. I also would like to say that those people are IDIOTS for even thinking of such a thing.

23 posts

Is it just a belief, idea, or is there a reason?

None of the above. Your ignorance puts my palm to my face. It's something called "free trip to paradise."
2,417 posts

It's something called "free trip to paradise."

Wouldn't that be a reason mayhaps?
383 posts

Haha, sorry for laughing, but I'm still giggling like a girl because in the title, you say, "or is there a reason?"
Of course there is a reason! Terrorists attacked the US because we have soldiers out in Saudi Arabia, and places near there. The people over there want our soldier OUT, but if we leave, they will just keep on doing harm to the innocent citizens.

Well you guys dont have to butt in every Countries buisness, let them handle it themselves. They just need time to handle the situation. Just like the Bolshevik Revolution. The White Army had help from America, and Slovakia against the Red Army. Though the Red Army was able to prevail because it's vast number men. So please just let them handle it themselves, yes it's a nice thing to do when Country in need, but just let them go without help for a while, then if it gets any worse help them.
358 posts

And remember. the war in Afghanistan, which is related to a "terroist" war, who put the Taliban in power? Was it not the United States of America? Yes it was.

The reason? In the cold war, the 1980's especially, The American goverments funded Islamic militiants, who opposed Marxist Geurilla's, who were backed by the Soviet Union. Im honestly tired of the United States whining. For one, Al qeiuda, not Taliban is the attackers during the 9/11 attacks. I don't hate America, but I sure in hell don't respect it. It is not your right to enforce your idea's on the world. Democracy will not work everywhere. It has been proven. Afghanistan is full of Feuding tribes. And they only unite when they have a invasion force attacking them, or if a strong, visionary leader unties them. I hate Taliban also, for their practises on Civilian targets, which has nothing to do with their war.

However, the USA prevoked it. Instead of going on a senseless rampage, which only weilds the death of people who are not your targets, you should investigate who are the people who did this.

Not to mention the USA caused the 9/11 attacks. Instead of meddling so much in the world affairs, you look at your own country. Now, thanks to senseless wars, which drained your funding, your nation has now been hit with the worst of the recent recession, thanks to George Bush Junior and Senior, and Bill Clinton.

America is now paying the price economicly. I just wished your nation would catch on. I hate your goverment for its stupidty over the years, But I wish you people realized it before it happened. All I can say is good luck. The road your on is not paved, and it leads to a desolate place.

Your own soldiers want to leave. No one wants a war.
Your soldiers, no matter how trained they are, or how better equipped, are not soldiers by life. They grew up in a majority grouping, A happy childhood, with a peaceful background within a rich country. The Afghan rebels your troops are fighting however, have been fighting their entire lives. Many of them were part of the Maj'Aden Freedom Fighters Resistance movement, which fought against the Soviet Republics.

Not only that, but also in the 1980's, many have fought against Marxist Geurilla's. They know how to deal with a Superpower nation, They fought off the Soviets, and they fought off your troops.

Afghanistan is always going to be at war as well. If you just look at a Geographical map, it lies on the crossroads of many nations. It is the road for armies, and will always be that way. I can list numerous invaders over the centuries, not much diffrent then America and the Soviets.
-Catyl Huruk
- The Sumerians
-The Mesopotamians
-The Akkadians
-The Assyrians
-The Bablonyians
-The Hittites
-The Persians
-The Turkomans
-The Persians
-The Greeks
-The Persians
-The Romans
-The Arabs
-The Seljuk Turks
-The Mongols
-The Ottoman Turks
-The Russians
-The British
-The Soviets
-The Americans
-The UN forces.

Long list no?

187 posts

[quote]Is it just a belief, idea, or is there a reason?

None of the above. Your ignorance puts my palm to my face. It's something called "free trip to paradise."[/quote]

I disagree, I believe that "free trip to paradise" can fit as a belief. For example, I'd have to really believe in something to kill thousands, including myself, just to get to paradise. Or I may be wrong, some people just want to be famous, to be remembered, as a hero...
1,573 posts

What I am saying is that I am against terrorism. I believe that it is wrong to just go around bombing the snot out of people/things because your religion says. I also would like to say that those people are IDIOTS for even thinking of such a thing.

Just to point out, Bush jnr said that god told him to go to war...
1,287 posts

I disagree, I believe that "free trip to paradise" can fit as a belief. For example, I'd have to really believe in something to kill thousands, including myself, just to get to paradise. Or I may be wrong, some people just want to be famous, to be remembered, as a hero...

Terrorism itself is not the belief. The belief CAUSES terrorism.
1,026 posts

-The Persians
-The Turkomans
-The Persians
-The Greeks
-The Persians

I think you forgot to mention the Persians.
259 posts

People tend to get pissed when other countries literally rape the land on which they live on for oil.

187 posts

Terrorism itself is not the belief. The belief CAUSES terrorism.

Yeah, but terrorism correlates with their belief. They believe in terrorism.
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