I always look up on forums that I messaged on to see if anyone commented and I think it would be much easier if there was a way that like on your profile or something you could see if anyone quoted you and a link to that forum.
I can see how getting notified if something of yours was quoted could be useful, but I only see that working if they add in a "quote post" button somewhere around your username, posts, and rank on the forums. Otherwise how would that work? Surely they couldn't recognize bits you quoted from someone.
Oh, so similar to the reply function on YouTube? Where you use @*their name* then it sends them a notification. It'd definitely be easier to tell who replied to you in the forums. I know people don't always check the same threads for replies, so I'd like it.
If a "watch topic" feature is implemented, and it's fairly likely that it will be in the AG3 forums, this quote feature would be unnecessary. All you have to do is "watch" a topic that you posted in for further posts, and it's much easier on the site's coding and whatnot.
The up side to a "watch topic", is that you will for sure see the conversation, but it will take longer.
On the other hand, a "quote" feature will only work if the person tags you. (i can write [quote]@ernie15 If a "watch topic" feature is implemented/quote] or without the "@ernie15" and the up side is that you can see the comment right away.
I think that the best idea is that when a person qoutes someone, the site will automatically ask who you are qouting it from.