For me, Im a celptomaniac* everthing shiny is my lucky charm, I carry a papper clip and im lucky!Im called Clepto the super stealla cuz i steal shiny stuff.
cleptomaniac is a person who collects shiny or metal items*
you steel stuff? pfft! i invented the term! i have a watch that i like and i where it everywhere, but it recently broke....and strangely i havent been lucky recently O.o
I have a pair of lucky boxers, but I've basically retired them. I've had them since I was 16 and I didn't want them to get worn out (the luck seemed to have worn off), so a few years ago I stopped wearing them (they'd still fit me today because I'm very slender around the waist) and put them on the shelf as a trophy of what once was.
I have 2 things: one, a little sister who makes the wind work when i try to fly a kite; and 2, some broken blueish glassish thing that looked like it melted and was twisted and hardened.