ok, so I would like to know if you are allowed to post screen shots (a link), when accompanied by advice, to respond to another members comment for help, in the game's comments.
If you're just posting a link to a screenshot, just copy the link and paste it into the comment box. No BBCode is needed for that in comments.
If you're posting the screenshot as an image, which I advise against if you're doing it in the comment section because it doesn't fit more than about 300 or so pixels horizontally and there's no way to scroll if the image is too big, use (img)insertimageurlhere(/img) but replace the () with [].
i reccomend using an online software called lightshot for uploaded URL's of images, there is even a download tutorial on there, basically it automatically uplaods all your screen-shots to a cloud server, and gives u a URL to post in the forum chats or comments.
I use photobucket for uploading my pictures. I just wanted to make sure it's not against the rules. I've posted a comment before, with a screen shot, and it got removed, the only thing could think of that might of some how broke the rules, is the link, though I cannot find any part it would violate.