ForumsThe TavernI'm ill

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I've been sick for three-four days now with a runny and stuffy nose, major headaches in the morning, and a sore throat. I'm also sweating but it's average temperature in my house, I believe it's called a cold sweat? I've been taking ibuprofen and tylenol every few hours and gargling salt water, but they only help for a short amount of time.

Are there any other home remedies that can help me? Please post them below.

  • 23 Replies
3,152 posts

I know you may not want to try this, as it probably will make your throat hurt a little more for a short while, but it may help you get better faster, you might want to make yourself sneeze. You throat may hurt because your sinuses are swollen and putting pressure on your tonsils. Sneezing allows your sinuses to drain into your throat, thus reducing the inflammation enough to help your throat stop hurting.

If your not up to making yourself sneeze, you can try drinking some hot sauce (Tabasco, or the equivalent) straight. I tried that a few times, and it seems to work. Just take a spoon, fill it up a couple of times, and swallow it right down... Just make sure you don't drink any water for about 10 minutes after taking the hot sauce... It needs time to work.

Try making lemonade (but don't put sugar in it), heat it up to a boil, then add honey to it to sweeten it. My Mom made this up for me about 10 years ago and got rid of my sore throat in a day (I am not guaranteeing you will get the same results, you might though.)

Try to avoid talking as much as possible, don't drink anything carbonated, drink plenty of water and hot beverages (tea, Thera-Flu, ETC...) and maybe try taking a spoon of honey every hour or so. Honey helps your throat to heal faster.

Hope this helps... Get well soon! =D

1,388 posts

I don't know if you've already tried these things.
If your sinuses hurt I would suggest using Sinus Buster. You can buy it at your local Rite-Aid or Wal-Mart. It hurts like crazy for the first few minutes but it works.
If your throat hurts all I can say is water,water,water! Water is the miracle cure. Like drink a cup of water every half an hour.
If your throat is stuffed you can blow it all the time but I reckon it will hurt pretty bad.
You sound like you have something I had and subsequently passed on to my family. I know several other people who have had it too. It's a horrible cold. I think the cold virus is mutating for the worse.
Get well soon!

572 posts

Take a hot shower and massage your nose while your in there. blow ur nose when u come out

4,220 posts

Does it really work? Because when I was sick and I drank a coke it made my throat feel terrible for days

That's why I specified which soda in particular. Coke as an insanely high pH, and is just going to burn your throat.

Yes, it works. At least for me it does. It's a bit of an age-old middle class miracle cure.
5,952 posts

you humans. complaining about being sick. i died three weeks ago and got better. their is hope ghost, never lose hope.
alright well time for Dr. pickpocket`s advice
1)see a real doctor
2)dont eat dairy products or sodas or that stuff. just dont. trust me im a doctor
d)stay inside
5)warm drinks like tea help. but not coffee
IX) hot shower
c)stay hydrated
7) dont move much
and fifth, avoid other evil humans. they will cause you more pain.
and dont lose hope, and maybe you wont die like me.

9,438 posts

Try boiling mint leaves and inhaling the steam. Drink plenty of water. Get plenty of sleep using plenty of blankets. You should be fine in a day or two, depending on your immune system.

8,051 posts

That's so fresh, dawg.

Have something to distract you from yourself.

171 posts

Drinking tea would also help!Tea might help with the nose thing.

Showing 16-23 of 23