ForumsThe TavernMom, I Swear to God...

15 1758
417 posts

If you keep coming into my room while I'm on the computer I'll swallow all the pills in the medicine cabinet!

... No, I don't want steak and ****ing mashed potatoes! I want some god**** privacy!

... I'm not hungry, I just ate a hot pocket and some Pringles.

... I'm ****ing sure! Now if you don't get out of my room, I'm gonna take out my pocket knife and cut my wrists! Do you want that? It will be all because of you!

... Good! Bring me a Code Red while you're at it!

... No, I'm friggin busy right now!

Sheesh! Moms... Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em in the face with a 12 gauge without serious repercussions. Am I right guys?

And she still hasn't brought me my **** Code Red...

  • 15 Replies
3,337 posts

What a spoilt little brat. I knew kids behaved something like this but sheesh.. If my future kids dare talk to me like that I'll kick them out on the streets for a few days and see how grateful they are then!

417 posts

Yeah, my Mom threatened to do that, so I went to my mom's medicine cabinet, crushed up ten Ambiens, and snorted all of it. She's been my ***** ever since they released me from the ER.

5,552 posts

If you keep coming into my room while I'm on the computer I'll swallow all the pills in the medicine cabinet!

Sure it can be annoying...but it's not like she's doing it to make you mad. She's just going to ask you with it, that's what living with people is.

No, I don't want steak and ****ing mashed potatoes! I want some god**** privacy!

She's making you dinner and asking you your preferences and you throw a fit? Pull your head out of your rear and grow up.

I'm gonna take out my pocket knife and cut my wrists! Do you want that? It will be all because of you!

So...her being considerate is cause for you to threaten to harm yourself? You've got some problems.

... Good! Bring me a Code Red while you're at it!

On top of being a complete ******* to someone who's being nice to you and whom you've already told off in an incredibly uncalled for way, you then demand something of her in unjustified indignation? Go bash your head into a wall and take a good look at yourself.

Am I right guys?

Not in the slightest.

Yeah, my Mom threatened to do that, so I went to my mom's medicine cabinet, crushed up ten Ambiens, and snorted all of it. She's been my ***** ever since they released me from the ER.

Anyone ever tell you that you're a horrible person? You purposely abuse your mother's feelings for you in the worst possible ways, manipulating her at base level, knowingly cause her emotional pain and distress, all because -you- are so much of a narcissistic baby that you freak out over someone attempting to be nice and cater to you with no strings attached.

I'm going to be as brutally honest as I can. You are among the worst people I have ever heard of. Ever heard of introspection? Well, if there was ever a cause for it, this would be that.
339 posts

id i talked to mom like that she would have my *** so qiuk i wouldint know what hit me plz stop being an ******* to your mom it makes everyones life misrable and your adding in to the tipical all american lil butthole kid

417 posts

I heard that the internet was a good place for tortured souls like me, but I guess not. I guess no one understands me. You know what kasic, you're right. I could use some introspection. Maybe I'll go introspect myself right now with my step dad's straight razor. I'll see you in Purgatory. But Just one thing before I go, kasic. It wasn't your fault; It was my mom's...

... No, that's not Code Red on the keyboard, that's my blood! It seems someone never brought me my Mountain Dew and I grew tired of waiting!

... What, your legs don't work while you're quietly sobbing?

4,710 posts

If you keep coming into my room while I'm on the computer I'll swallow all the pills in the medicine cabinet!

take an overdose and you will die. then you wont have privacy or a computer for all ethernity.

... No, I don't want steak and ****ing mashed potatoes! I want some god**** privacy!

so, even if you are hungry, you would prefer to starve to death just to have some privacy?

... I'm not hungry, I just ate a hot pocket and some Pringles.

the best way to get fat, sitting in front of the computer and eating junk food instead of a DELICIOUS STEAK.

... I'm ****ing sure! Now if you don't get out of my room, I'm gonna take out my pocket knife and cut my wrists! Do you want that? It will be all because of you!

what? seriously, what? you will hurt yourself and the feelings of your mother so you have some privacy? are you kidding me?

... Good! Bring me a Code Red while you're at it!

so you are too lazy to get it yourself? brats these days...

... No, I'm friggin busy right now!

with what, playing games? or know...

Sheesh! Moms... Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em in the face with a 12 gauge without serious repercussions. Am I right guys?

well, either you live with her or you end up in jail. i heard the prisoners kill each other or do much worse things if you know what i mean. i talk about your place where the sun never shines.

And she still hasn't brought me my **** Code Red...

oh, poor lazy kid with a nice mother, instead of getting it yourself you yell at your mom...i feel pity for your mom.
5,552 posts

I heard that the internet was a good place for tortured souls like me, but I guess not.

It's no different from any other place, it's just not physical.

I guess no one understands me.

Who cares if anyone understands you? Why does anyone need to understand you? Do how other people think of you change at all who you really are?

Maybe I'll go introspect myself right now with my step dad's straight razor.

That's your choice then. A stupid, impetuous, rash, and not well thought out choice, but yours none the less.

I'll see you in Purgatory.

Too bad it doesn't exist.

What, your legs don't work while you're quietly sobbing?

I honestly couldn't care less what you do to yourself. I would have more emotional pain killing an ant than you offing yourself. Know why? Because that ant never caused someone pain intentionally for the sole purpose of causing that person pain. That ant never acted like a total virus to everyone around him, attempting to infect them with his own pointless misery and self-inflected pain.

I would have remorse for the ant; I just have pity for you.
242 posts

You seem spoiled, lazy, and have no respect or any brains. Plus you have anger issues.

417 posts

Too bad it doesn't exist.

What you think. I'm gonna be the ghost with the most!
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Seems like a troll to me....At least, with the proper grammar and near hyperbolic hissy fits.

Or, alternatively, a really spoilt brat. Just as I would like to help youths with serious family problems, yours doesn't seem to be your case. People cut their wrists because they lack parental attention, or are abused by their parents. You on the other hand are angry because she cooked dinner.

So advice is, get to an anger management class, because contrary to popular belief, the majority of the internet is not a safe haven for pampered and bad tempered teens, not unless you're part of a Forum consisting of extreme self-loathing, misanthropic youths who morally huddle together.

909 posts

@ JosstheBoss,

Ask yourself this question, what would do if your teenager always kept his/her door closed? Wouldn't you as a parent want to know just what was really going on in there? Another question is is she receiving phone calls from the school? If you're acting out this rebellion she might feel that she has to regain control of the situation. The fastest way that gets the best results is to require that you leave your door open. Try this and see if she still hovers?

Let's take it down a notch and leave the Mtn Dew Code Red alone. Look at the "computer spying" from a parent's perspective 'cause I'm a mom and because my son let his anger get the best of him and he did wind up in the hospital.

The problem:

Your mom wants you to be responsible for your time on the computer and balance the school work with chores, listening to music, playing games, chatting, etc.

If she can't trust you then she feels she needs to spy and pry.
Why, because it's her job.

Now for solutions:

The best way to have your privacy is to earn it.

The best way to earn your privacy is to pull up and maintain good grades, eat your vegetables and drink 8-8oz glasses of water every day.
When we hydrate our body the brain functions at it's peak performance.

When we sleep for 8 hours every night our brain can download and process all of the days data and we wake up feeling like learning more.

When we are physically active for 1 3/4 hours we have satisfied our hearts need for one hour of cardio every day and the brains need for 45 minutes of continuous activity. With cardio activity you're breaking a sweat by running or playing ball with your buddies, etc. Keep sweating for 30 more minutes. Your muscles need a 15 minute warm up and another 15 minutes cool down. The brain only requires 45 minutes of continuous activity that can be at a slower pace but is still physical, like biking, hiking, etc. So, yes you can pace yourself and cut the total time down to an hour but it must be every day or your brain starts to rebel.

If you want to succeed at school and in life you need to learn to control your emotions and let go of the anger. If you're lucky this rebellion is only temporary and you'll soon grow out of it.

What your mom wants is for you to be successful and not a loser so get busy and make her proud not pound on your door all of time.

242 posts

I don't know if you're troll or just idiot. And how the hell are you "tortured soul" ? Everyone (younger than 18) lives like that and there's nothing wrong about that.

My grandmother survived cancer, breaking her spine and other serious ilnesses - beacuse of some of them she had to stay for months at hospital. Because of breaking hes spine she couldn't walk for three years ! And NOBODY EVER said she's "tortured soul" nor she did. I'm getting not having real father is tough but please stop with this drama.

1,044 posts

This just makes me sad... :,(

339 posts

yes it makes me sad that there are such bratty kids now days :*(

10,816 posts

There's nothing that productive about the OP or this thread in general, so Josh, just step back in line and be a good boy, yeah?

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