ForumsThe TavernThe Good Ol' Days.....

7 1870
811 posts

I decided to make this topic for all those who have stuck with ArmorGames for a long time. I was not one of those people. Yes I am old in terms of ArmorGames years, but I was not there year round. But reliving those moments. Nostalgia.

Well, except for the fact that the site barely changed since the transition to ArmorGames 2.0.

Anyways I was using the Internet Wayback Machine and decided to put ArmorGames in the URL. This was the inspiration for it.


Let us start my, or should I say, our journey. It all started with this :

Remember this? I do. This was nearly FOUR years ago! FOUR! Flash games were just in their youth. Sites like Newgrounds had been online for a while now but flash games were young. I remember coming to this site as a kid when I was in 2nd Grade (I'm a Freshman in High School now). I absolutely LOVED coming here playing new games. It was my childhood. It was what defined my childhood.

  • 7 Replies
4,104 posts

Flash games were just in their youth.

Eh, flash games have existed since the late 1990s.
811 posts


*I kind of wish that ArmorGames had an edit post option. When i said four, I meant six. SIX YEARS AGO!! Ok let's continue.

So around the January of 2008 I decided to make an account on the new revamped site that was released 3 years ago. That's right 3 years ago. Just a couple of weeks older than good ol' FireTail.

This is was the site looked like then. Not much different from now really. 4 years without a major design change which is pretty impressive if you ask me:

As I was saying, I made my new account. Which was like looking at an immature younger me from four years ago. Just looking at that bio. I remember attempting to make a clan. Got a ton of members. The clan was destined to fail eventually (with the new AG3 guild system I might start up a new one):

This was taken around 4 years ago. A few months after AG was released. Look at that bio and that sword. Yeah, look at my bio now. I'm a much more serious person now. I can't believe how little has changed though. But with AG3 coming, things are about to change.

And things have changed indeed. People have come and gone. Well known ArmorGames members came and left. A new generation has risen. I come back to an ArmorGames of whole new people. The old are gone but a few, and the new are here, which I guess is for the best. But I plan on sticking on to ArmorGames as a veteran member. I am old. But I barely have used this account as you can tell my score.

I plan on making new friends, and new enemies >

*I will periodically update this topic from time to time...

811 posts

Eh, flash games have existed since the late 1990s.

Sorry didn't do much research :P
But what I meant was flash games on the internet. I mean yes Flash Games have been around on the internet for a long time but... yeah I'll reply if I find the words to explain what I mean.
1,044 posts

Oh, my, gosh, I remember (kind of) playing on the first pic site!!! that was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago, though.

210 posts

Lol I was just 8 when I was playing the very first AG but I never made a Account just used it for games, I took a break for like ummmm 4 years then I came back and made a Account last year

3,766 posts

I didn't even know about the site until 2008. I meant to check it out but then forgot. When I got into flash games, about 2 years ago(2010), I finally remembered and came here. Played lots of the games and really enjoyed them. Didn't have a reason to get an account. Then when Shell Shock Live came out I was playing it but always losing because I couldn't get good weapons. My friend suggested that I get an account. I did and I love it. Then I began posting in the forums and became active in the community. That made it even better.

511 posts

I was about 10 when I first played on AG. That was four years ago though I can't remember seeing the home page like THAT.

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