ForumsThe TavernPointless rules by your parents

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10 posts

My parents won't let me raise the blinds on my window or open the window at all because, even though I'm 16, I might "break" the blinds/window. Their excuse is that the blinds were hand-painted, which they were, and are more expensive than normal blinds. But I'm 16. I can pay for them if I damage them, which is probably impossible since I don't just let them fall or slam the window or whatever.

The window in my bedroom is the only one that can be opened via the blinds; any other window is not permitted. I love nature and prefer natural light over electric lights, for many reasons, mainly because it is prettier and costs nothing to use natural light. Their excuse is that it heats up the room too much. This is definitely not the case... if anything, it may heat the room up a degree or two, but they can't possibly notice that. /facedesk

What pointless rules do your parents give you that make you want to slam your face in? The two rules I posted above is only the very top of a very long list.

  • 24 Replies
3,152 posts

Hang on what? How do you get sick from no sleep? I go to bed around 2 AM and I'm fine.

It'll catch up to you one of these days, then you will see what I mean. Your body needs to rest at night... Were not made to be running 24-7.

What if your girlfriend or grandmother wants to talk to you. You do need a cell phone to communicate, or else people would just keep using a telegraph.

Sadly, both sets of my Grandparents died. Gladly, I don't have a girlfriend, and if I did, she could call my house to talk to me (yes, my family still has a landline, and it gets used extensively.) The excuse that people need to be able to contact you is a poor excuse for needing a cell phone. There is always the phone at home, and if someone calls for me and I'm not home, then they can leave a message and I can call them when I get home.

It doesn't effect your intelligence, History Channel can effect your intelligence more than cartoons

Ho Ho! Don't make me laugh. Your telling me that sitting around watching Spongebob Squarepants all day is good for you? That you learn something from it and that it is educational? At least History Channel can affect your intelligence for the better, even if you don't think so.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Wow what time do you wake up?

About 5 days ago I pulled a all nighter and I'm still not able to fully recover and almost fell asleep multiple times on the bus already.

I sleep at 12-1 regularly due to schoolwork. It's been like that since I was 10, and I've been waking up at what, 6 30? It's really not a big deal. Sleep is overrated.

Ho Ho! Don't make me laugh. Your telling me that sitting around watching Spongebob Squarepants all day is good for you? That you learn something from it and that it is educational? At least History Channel can affect your intelligence for the better, even if you don't think so.

Instead of acting all grown up, think about the the context you're making such a claim. Kids at the age of 7 like such shows, and in no way does it insult their intelligence, because their intelligence and maturity hasn't reached a high enough point to think they're shallow. It's easy to dismiss such shows on hindsight, because growing up is a natural process. Years down the road, and you'll think whatever sitcom you watch now is frivolous and fraudulent. So no, watching ''****ty'' Spongebob Shows is not a bad thing in moderation.
3,152 posts

Instead of acting all grown up

I'm not acting "grown up", just relaying personal experience. My apologies if I learned a "grown up" lesson when I was ten years old.

Kids at the age of 7 like such shows

That's probably because it is made for kids that are seven years old.

and in no way does it insult their intelligence, because their intelligence and maturity hasn't reached a high enough point to think they're shallow.

Ummm... I believe I was replying to people that are 13+, not a seven year old.

Years down the road, and you'll think whatever sitcom you watch now is frivolous and fraudulent.

The sitcoms made for teenagers nowadays insult your intelligence. So I don't watch them. I really only watch the news on TV.

So no, watching ''****ty'' Spongebob Shows is not a bad thing in moderation.


Nicho, lets not drift too far off topic. This is probably enough discussion about Spongebob.
2,150 posts

Y'all are dumb teens

I used to be just like y'all. Thinking my parents made stupid rules. Well now I'm 20, and I understand why they did what they did. You don't realize how truly brutal the world is. I still live with my parents, because I can't find a job, and I still follow their rules. Of course now the leash is pretty long. There are reasons behind everything. Maybe if you stop acting like a kid, and approach your parents like an adult, you can get some sense of understanding why.

3 posts

How old are you?
Also, what is the minimal age for this site, 13?

534 posts

Everyone is talking about spongebob and how it does or doesn't insult their inteligence. When I was young I used to love watching that show until they switched artists and wirters. That I believe is when it started insulting our intelligence. It used to be a good cartoon to watch but now....

339 posts

if theres a girl in a bikini in a movie my mom will flip and be like CLOSE YOUR EYES!!! THATS BAD! really ridiculous but i love my mom

339 posts

if theres a girl in a bikini in a movie my mom will flip and be like CLOSE YOUR EYES!!! THATS BAD! really ridiculous but i love my mom

240 posts

Wake up.


Nuff' said.

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