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How do the books and the movie compare?

  • 22 Replies
3,766 posts

OK. I know I will get crap for this but I didn't read the book. Don't plan to either. But I really liked the movie. From talking to people that read the book it did a good job of following the storyline. I agree with this because I read the other two books and wasn't confused at all. I have heard though that the movie was less graphic then the book. I think that is for the best though.

214 posts

I hate that film its just essentially a copy of the Japanese film 'Battle Royale' except hunger games is less brutal version with a heroine as opposed to hero.

3,766 posts

I hate that film

Don't just hate the film because it is like another. They were basing it off of the book. And just because it is like Battle Royale doesn't mean it was a copy, just very similar.
214 posts

Don't just hate the film because it is like another. They were basing it off of the book. And just because it is like Battle Royale doesn't mean it was a copy, just very similar.

just read the synopsis of both films and you'll see that there is very few differences between the films, if the films were two students in an exam they'd be chucked for plagiarism, that is how similar the films are.
1,405 posts

who cares honestly???? besides some very angry copyright people. i mean, ideas are generally repeated over and over again anyways! why are you so mad about this one now?

By the way just to contribute to the thread, I liked both. read all 3 books, hated the last one, and the movie did an "okay" job at replicating the book. the only thing that bothers me is the camera, and how shaky it was when it didn't need to be.

3,766 posts

hated the last one

Why does everyone hate the last one? I liked the last one the most. The other two were predictable and pretty much the same.
the only thing that bothers me is the camera, and how shaky it was when it didn't need to be.

That seems to be the majority of complaints. I agree. At times it was used well but at others it was not needed at all.
5,552 posts


1) She got the pin from the Mayor's daughter of District 12, not the old lady at the Hob.

2) Haymitch. His entire character was a grouchy, frail, drunkard. Not some blonde 25 year old ****** who pulls out drinks to look cool.

3) Katniss's height. She was supposed to be short. Instead she's taller than Peeta.

4) Peeta auditioned or w/e in front of the Game Makers first, not after Katniss.

5) The cornucopia was a golden horn. Not some blocky dull metal blob that somewhat resembles a cornucopia.

6) They started equi-distant in a circle around the cornucopia, not in a line in front of it 4 feet from the next person.

7) Katniss was dying from dehydration after a couple of days without water before the fire wall happened.

8) Katniss's left ear was made deaf by the explosion from the mines at the career's camp, but instead they make no mention of this.

9) Rue was stabbed as Katniss shot the boy's throat out who stabbed her. The spear was not thrown at Rue.

10) They completely skipped the bread from District 11.

11) There were no notes in the parachutes.

12) Peeta was supposed to be put to sleep by a sponsor's gift so Katniss could go to the feast to get the medicine.

13) The backpacks at the feat were supposed to be different sizes.

14) Katniss was supposed to be laid out for a day or two from a major forehead cut from Clove, instead she got a minor cut above her eye.

15) Cato was supposed to kill Thresh, not the Mutts.

16) The Mutts appear chasing Cato, not in some middle of the night scare tactic.

17) The Mutts were supposed to be wolves with the eyes of the fallen tributes, not rabid bulldogs.

18) Peeta was supposed to be bleeding to death.

19) Peeta was supposed to lose a leg.

Now, those were only what I would consider "significant" or "important" flaws. In total I counted 62 plot errors throughout the entire movie.

On to the actual movie, it was entertaining. Longer than most at over 2 hours it covered most of the events in the story. It definitely caught all the major ones and depicted the fights inside the arena well. The actors all played their roles well (except Haymitch, who might as well have been a completely different character) and the acting was good. I liked how they showed the behind the scenes things like President Snow's comments and the Game Maker's actions, and how the Capitol people's thoughts and emotions towards the game was.

What I didn't like was the epic mistakes in the plot made and how they made the arena have a clearly visible ceiling. They also forgot some cannons for a few deaths, and the hallucinations from the Tracker Jaggers were really just a bunch of blurry scenes and a misplaced flashback. The fighting was also annoying to watch in that they went Transformer's style (made the screen shake a ton) so you could barely even watch what was happening.

Overall I would give it a 8/10 for the movie itself, but a 4/10 for the fact that it was supposed to be a movie about a book and they completely screwed up a lot of the plot.

How do the books and the movie compare?

Books are better.

Why does everyone hate the last one? I liked the last one the most. The other two were predictable and pretty much the same.

The first was good, the second was kind of just a re-run of the first, and the third was pretty original and they got into the whole war thing. I liked the whole psychological trauma that was present in the characters, although the ending was kinda meh.
3,766 posts

Nice list there Kasic. But I don't think all the things you pointed out were really that important.

#8 on your list is probably the most important, seeing how it is used later.

#17 I think would be better when you picture it in your mind. I think if they tried to do it in the movie it would look weird.

#1 They probably could have easily done this one. I don't know why they didn't. It bugs me.

#2 I think they did this for the more family friendly movieness of it.

#3 OK. When is that important.

#4 Ya. This would have been easy to fix too.

#5 I didn't like the cornucopia in the movie. It was OK though.

#6 OK. Again is it really that important.

#7 Since that would be SO much fun to watch.

#9 Meh. I am not a huge Rue fan. You knew she was going to die. But I will give you that one.

#10 Care to explain? Why is it important?

#11 Wasn't there a note in the Catching Fire parachute?

#12 Yep. Again and easy fix.

#13 I thought they were in the movie. I only remember seeing Katniss' though.

#14 Again, are we going to watch her laid out for 2 days?

#15,#16,#18 Easy fix.

#19 Actually important.

epic mistakes in the plot

I wouldn't call any epic, except for the ear one. That is the most important. Not really any of the ones you mentioned affect the other books.
fighting was also annoying to watch

I think it was good for the bloodbath at the beginning. In the other places it was not necessary.
although the ending was kinda meh.

I find the ending to most books meh. After the climax they all get boring for me.
5,552 posts

#1 They probably could have easily done this one. I don't know why they didn't. It bugs me.

Not to mention that the pin has other significance than it just being a pin.

#2 I think they did this for the more family friendly movieness of it.

Family friendliness in a movie where kids brutally kill each other because of a corrupt government. Great priorities.

#3 OK. When is that important.

It's not that important, but if they can't even get the characters right...

#5 I didn't like the cornucopia in the movie. It was OK though.

Except it's not even a cornucopia. It looked more like a shanty hut.

#6 OK. Again is it really that important.

You're making a movie about soccer and you have every player start around the ball. Is it really that important? It's a detail that is apart of what it is.

#7 Since that would be SO much fun to watch.

Except that it was about 2 days worth of happenings which were entirely left out.

#10 Care to explain? Why is it important?

Well for one, it was the first symbol of the rebellion. Two, it meant a lot to Katniss. Three, in the second book when she thanks the people of District 8 on the victory tour it sparks off a revolt.

#11 Wasn't there a note in the Catching Fire parachute?

Not sure what the "Catching Fire" parachute is. If you mean the second book, there were -never- any notes in -any- of the parachutes.

#13 I thought they were in the movie. I only remember seeing Katniss' though.

No, they were all the size of like a water bottle. This would be a physical impossibility as Cato's had body armor and wasn't even the biggest. Thresh's was, but it never tells you what was in it. Katniss' was the smallest because it just had medicine. Presumably "fox face's" had food.

#14 Again, are we going to watch her laid out for 2 days?

Time skip would have been acceptable. But instead she wasn't even really injured.

#19 Actually important.

I would call that one of the lesser ones actually. Peeta's leg is only brought up 1-2 times again in the rest of the series, and doesn't ever affect his performance at running or anything.

Not really any of the ones you mentioned affect the other books.

And you would know this how? I quote: "OK. I know I will get crap for this but I didn't read the book" unless of course you managed to read all three in...the last 30 hours?

Most of them have implications or direct affects in the following books.
13,657 posts

just read the synopsis of both films and you'll see that there is very few differences between the films, if the films were two students in an exam they'd be chucked for plagiarism, that is how similar the films are.

And Avatar is Pochahontas in space, and Harry Potter is the Hero's Journey-principle all over, and all of H.C.Andersen's fairy tales were copies of old folk lore and spoken fairy tales, just like the Grimm fairy tales, not to mention Lion King and Hamlet and Kimba and DEEEEEEEEEEEERP!!
I don't care of that way of speaking. It makes up for nothing at all besides the stories sharing an overall plot. It does not consider that that plot might be shown in a drastically different way, that the story might be made appealing differently, that the characters will shed a different light on the story, that the outcome might not be sum of the same parts.
And no, I haven't watched either movie, but I do have respect for the fact that someone has been able to write (and film) a known story in a way that compel it to a modern audience, to the point of it getting quite the fanbase. Just as I respect the fact that Meyer has been able to write a story that has drawn what seems like the majority of a female generation into the threads of romance and the supernatural. Before Twilit, only Harry Potter had made fantasy an acceptable setting, and urban fantasy was never touched upon.
Now I just wish the rest of the authors would stop copying Twilit, but, I guess I can't have all.

Didn't watch, didn't read, it's not my preferred genre so I won't try and read it. I have heard a lot of good things about the movie and its relation to the book, however, and it should be worth watching, whether you are a fan or not, according to both family and friends who have watched it.
As for anything that might have changed between book and movie, well, movies are a different medium, and it is often difficult to portray a story visually, when it is formerly only in text. Any changes might have been either sacrifice or directly changed to fit what might or might not be planned for any further movies, should the current one be deemed a success.
It went well for Harry Potter, for example, and I doubt people, who have taken such a care to follow the story of the book would make stupid mistakes that will negatively affect continuity in future productions.

And that was a lot of rambling, and I have no idea what I am saying, so prolly listen to them other peoples.
3,766 posts

unless of course you managed to read all three in...the last 30 hours?

I read the other two books, just not the first one. And I finished both them in 2 days.

I agree with you on some of those, but also remember that if you added in some of the stuff then the movie would be even longer, and it was pretty long.
Most of them have implications or direct affects in the following books.

Some, I wouldn't say most. But I will not argue. I can see your point, hopefully you can see mine. We will probably never agree so lets just drop it.
490 posts

Sauron23 asked how the movies and the books compare. actually, the movie was only based off the first book, not all three. so for now i am not even going to mention the other two.

But i digress. I thought that they did a great job with the movie. If you are asking which is better, i wouldnt be able to give an answer. i read the books after i watched the movie, and i liked how the actors helped me imagine what the charactors looked like when i was reading the books. When i finished reading the first book, i in no way felt ripped off about what they left out of the movie. My only complaints/suggestions for the move are (1) i wish that they better explained the absolute EVIL that the Capitol is. and (2) The cinematography in some spots. the shaking and blurring of the camera was supposed to show the chaos, but instead left me kind of dizzy. after the move my brother said to me "In some scenes it looked like the camera-men were trying to break the world record for most consecutive backflips while filming!"

@Kasic: Has there ever been one movie based on a book in the entire history of cinamatography that had every detail that was in the book?!? i mean come on. some of those were kind of important, like #1, #8, and #18, but most of those were not important to the storyline,or were not impotant except in the later books, which the movie is not based off of.

(2) Haymitch. His entire character was a grouchy, frail, drunkard. Not some blonde 25 year old ****** who pulls out drinks to look cool.

ummmm.... Woody Harrelson is 50 years old, not 25. and in the books, Haymich was not frail, he was fat.

[quote][quote]1) She got the pin from the Mayor's daughter of District 12, not the old lady at the Hob.

They probably could have easily done this one. I don't know why they didn't. It bugs me.[/quote]

Not to mention that the pin has other significance than it just being a pin.[/quote]

It only had other significance in the later books. The movie wasnt based off the other books, nor do i think that they are planning a sequel to the movie. but i do agree that they could of easily done it.

I pretty much agree with almost everything that Daleks said.
its like he read my mind!
5,552 posts

@Kasic: Has there ever been one movie based on a book in the entire history of cinamatography that had every detail that was in the book?!?

Nope. And that's why books are better than movies if the movie is based on a book. They can't even get it right.

ummmm.... Woody Harrelson is 50 years old, not 25. and in the books, Haymich was not frail, he was fat.

I know, but they made him look like he was youngish still. He walked around like some playboy with blond hair, instead of a grouchy drunkard. And no, Haymitch wasn't fat. He did have a beer belly though.
3,766 posts

nor do i think that they are planning a sequel to the movie.

Slaps head.
Catching Fire Movie
They plan to do 4 movies total from what I have heard. People are expecting MockingJay to be 2 parts. That is why I think they should have added some of the stuff that affects the other books in.
1,810 posts

People are expecting MockingJay to be 2 parts.

I was expecting them to split the last two books into three movies, not split the last book in half. If I remember correctly, the end of the first movie didn't see them arrive back in the district. I hope they are able to add more than they did in the first. It'll also be interesting to see how they cover the pin significance, Katniss' "super ear", and the struggle Peeta had in the rest of the series with his artificial leg. Also, I don't want Cinna to die. That is the only change I will allow. I love Lenny too much. :P

Has there ever been one movie based on a book in the entire history of cinamatography that had every detail that was in the book?!

First time for everything, correct?
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