I think we should be rewarded more point per post on the forum especially World Events, Politics, Religion, because the post on there are always longer and more thought out more than anywhere else on AG Maybe we should be rewarded 2-3 point for a post of 40 words or more or maybe on World Events, Politics, Religion what do you think? Please leave your suggestions here.
Maybe you are right. But look on how many points you can earn from rating and commenting.
Rating Games: 2 Armor Points Commenting: 2 Armor Points Forum Posting: 1 point
It is pretty easy to gain points here by just doing that. Forum posting doesn't get you a lot of points though. Ask anyone how many points you can earn from submitting in games and earning merits.
If "The posts are longer" is a reason, then I should get double or triple AP for half my posts, and the people posting stories would have a blast. However, in your example you highlight the WEPR, which is a section I rarely, if ever, visit due to the amount of opinionated crap and entitled blabber that tends to pop up on all the topics that would interest me, and the rest is US politics, which says me absolutely nothing, and which I have no reason to get involved in. So, for that purpose, I would be cut out from extra AP, because I write long, thought out posts somewhere that doesn't matter. Arguably, other sections, actually most of the ones already receiving AP, should most likely earn their posters extra AP for their posts: Support/suggestions tend to give off a good deal of discussions about the suggestions, and people here help out with issues and glitches when someone asks. Feedback and help should be valued in a community. Walkthroughs: The opening posts here are generally very long, and offer help and guidance to users having trouble with a game. Especially with 'ultimate' guides, that could get people on the high scores. Considering this is a gaming site, this sections would be key. Programming: See above, but skip the long post part. It doesn't stop this section from being important, perhaps even more so than any of the other sections. Art/Music/writing: While posts here can be pretty long and interesting, another note is that all that is posted there is self made, which means all those creative minds that could become artists for games out there one day, or write plots and so on, all show their worth here.
See the trouble? We will have the same complaints that the forum gamers come with, just from sections that are already earning you points, but simply not as many as the rest. Every so often someone suggests adding points to the forum games, but making this reality would cause an uproar from otherwise content people.
There will be AP in AG3, but everyone will be reset to 0 on launch, and AP will be for game achievements.