I was thinking 'soon school will be over wow that year went by fast!' and 666 is the number in which the satanic believers were branded with so what was the point the day of satan would have been duh of course 6/6/6 that is 2002 years ago for your info 6/6/2006 makes no sense and has no signifigance what so ever
No, I meant, I forgot to enter sarcasm on my first post, but I have to get back on-topic.
Alot of people are Superstitious. Luck, unluck, breaking a mirror, halloween etc etc. Many citizens in England at 1666 were Christian, and that was a time where, you believed so strongly in God, Christ etc, that if you did anything wrong, you went to hell. So the fire happened in 1666, and burnt down almost all of the city. My reason is that these Christian citizens saw it as a punishment, and because the year had 3 sixes, they clipped off the one, and labeled six-six-six as the Devil's number, and avoided any reference to it, and hundreds of years later superstitions still abound.
@starscreamer, I think its bad luck to be superstitious and therefore don't believe in this crap, however, someone once told me that man was 555, the devil was 666, and God was 777.