Anti Islam text has been taught to would be Soldiers in Joint Forces Staff College Norfolk, Virginia. Talk about Islamophobia. According to it, its not the Taliban or Al-qaida USA is fighting, but muslims. Link Link
Technically, since the Taliban and Al-Quaida are Muslim extremist terrorist organizations, they are fighting Muslims. That doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists by any means though.
I find it funny that they want to call Islam a cult when I've now considered every form of religion a cult for the past few years.
Blah blah blah free speech justification blah blah rights and freedoms blah.
Seriously though - I'm disgusted. I could understand if they'd have said it was a war on X (where X equals people from some Middle Eastern country), I'd still find it highly distasteful but wars between countries and the peoples of said countries are how things have functioned for centuries, so it wouldn't be anything too new. But the fact that they declared an entire religion and every person that follows it to be an enemy just seems stupid to me - especially when the USA has a Muslim population that contributes every bit as much to the country as anyone else.
One man's freedom fighters are another man's terrorists - it's easier just to think of it all as people fighting people over issues revolving around people than to assign concepts like 'fighting for freedom' to it when you know someone else is going to say that they're being oppressive.
One man's freedom fighters are another man's terrorists - it's easier just to think of it all as people fighting people over issues revolving around people than to assign concepts like 'fighting for freedom' to it when you know someone else is going to say that they're being oppressive.
Politically correct isn't exactly moral raising, is it? It is a lot more military sound and rousing to say "Go fight for your country, your freedom, and your system of beliefs" then "Go out and fight a series of battles in order to achieve a political goal decided by the current ruling power". Same goes for the terrorist, it is a lot more moral raising to say "Your fighting for your religion, people, and freedom" then it is to say "Your blowing yourself up because I told you to".
Really? You don't see how this is both untrue, unfair, and can lead to many possible situations where bad things might occur?
It's being no different from Anti-Christian organizations which teach that Christianity is wrong and that Christians are trying to destroy the Muslim world. The exact same bigotry and religious intolerance that holds this world back and has done so for the past 3 centuries. How is that not a problem?
geeerrr!!! Those darn Americans are invading our country!! to fight for my freedom Iâm going to go blow up a school! well this shows that they obviously don't need you americans to free them and they are happy this way
no im saying instead of the Taliban fighting the American oppressors they go and blow up kids at schools
So? I don't really care, cause many muslims hate America and Israel( the good guys). So what if the military hates them back. After all, we lost many troops fighting islamic terrorists. I'm not being racist or anything. I'm just stating facts.
So? I don't really care, cause many muslims hate America and Israel( the good guys). So what if the military hates them back. After all, we lost many troops fighting islamic terrorists. I'm not being racist or anything. I'm just stating facts.
i can understand this but this is a childish way of thinking (and unfortunately pretty normal too). when you fight a group of people who use their religion as their main excuse as to why they do things its almost imposibble for other people to see anything else but their religion.
but as i said before, hating someone because he hates you is just a stupid neverending circle of hatred. i do think that if you do something you have no right to complain about someone else who does the same (which is the reason i didnt post in this thread eariler... if you know what i mean then good for you).
So? I don't really care, cause many muslims hate America and Israel( the good guys). So what if the military hates them back. After all, we lost many troops fighting islamic terrorists. I'm not being racist or anything. I'm just stating facts.
A) Muslims don't hate america just because it is america(they hate because of 100000 dead iraqis and quran burning and humiliating toture of abu ghuraib and civilian deaths because of drones and.....). B) Those who want to destroy america are a minority and are not thought of very well in muslims.