If you want to beat this game you have to understand what it's all about. I'll make it easy for you. Your are a single goose migrating back from winter to where you were raised as a chick. You need to start your own family so you need to get there to find a female. But unfortunately you never make it. The sky is filled with strange objects which are all trying to kill you. Along the way you gather a group of other geese in order to make flying easier but you all die. Man is constantly making it harder for other animals just to get by. Where there once was the perfect place to raise a baby there is now danger every where. In this game you just trying to stay in the sky as long as you can. First stay out of the clouds they slow you down and make it harder for you to fly. If you have to go through some then fly though the lighter collard ones. Second always look for the easier path don't take the harder path just because there are a few geese there. Besides you probably kill the same amount of geese in your herd. Third don't stay at the front of the screen you don't know what is up there and you are sure to get killed. Lastly if you want to be the person with the highest score then just focus on beating the person with the next higher score then you. Don't try and go for the top score it never works.
killersup has a highscore of somewhere at about 1,000,000 right around there.by the way this "walkthrough" seems to be more tips and help then a acual walkthrough.but still it was good work that will help people.