Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree
Anyways as i read before some people said to let Religious Women Suffer if they want,Its not Suffering and unlike unreligious Women who hate Children and want to continue their life full of alchohol,Other Bad things Etc. Anyways Abortion isnt ok for me as i find life unfulfilled without having Joy in your life.
Meh, please don't generalise and stereotype irreligious women!
A woman finds out her son/daughter may be autistic/disfigured. To save him/her the pain, she wants to get an abortion. Not only is there any surefire way to tell that the baby will DEFINITELY be handicapped mentally or physically, but many autistic and defected children can live normal lives. Let him/her live, and if you really don't want the child, let it be adopted.
The problem with this, I feel, is that when a disfigured or autistic child is put up for adoption, most of the time, they never get adopted.
I mean, picture this. A childless couple (who for reasons unclear either can not procreate a child themselves or refuse to) come to an adoption center to adopt a child. Now, this is not as simple like picking a pet out of a pet store. They acknowledge that the child will not be of their blood, but nevertheless, they will raise it with love and care and with the best of their ability. Most importantly, they'd want that child to have a better life than they had.
Now, with all this in mind, would the childless couple rather choose a society-normal kid with average looks, intelligence, etc and fits the mold of what a regular child is, or would they place hardship on themselves with the autistic/genetically defective kid that they know is someone else's child and they know that he will never live a normal life?
That's not even mentioning the problem that if EVERYONE (and this is a BIG if) put up a child for adoption, there would undoubtedly be more children than demand. Part of the joys of raising a child is knowing it's yours, after all, and not many people will waltz into an adoption center and take a child without first thinking it thoroughly. If this happens, there will definitely be a shortage of foster homes soon enough. And the kid will have to endure the emotional burden of being moved around foster homes and knowing that his parent had abandoned them.
Plus, it's harder to adopt somebody as they grow older. This even leaves some children without parents until they enter legal adulthood.
Just think about it: What if your mother decided that she did want you. Would you have supported it then? (not the previous user, everyone in general who thinks that it is ok).
Are you ok? No abortion is not ok. Its unnatural. Even if you're not religious you don't see animals in the wild getting abortions..... call me stupid I don't care just my opinion.
Whoa! Wait a minute. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I my last message I was speaking to the monsters that think it is ok, telling them that they may have been aborted. So I don't see why they would support it, unless they wish they hadn't been born.
I hate the even the idea of abortion. Who kills an unborn child? I guess many people are irreclaimably evil.
If you guys support abortion, then you should be dead yourself. Your mother should've supported it and done it to you. You wouldn't mind though, right? Its not like the baby has his or her say in it.
A woman is raped and a baby is conceived. The woman wants to abort. Although the woman in no way deserved either to be raped or the baby, it should not be killed for the rapist's actions. Despite controversy, still, get the baby adopted.
And the horrible pain and stress of childbirth? The siphoning off of precious resources to produce the child? The psychological consequences upon the mother and in many cases the child?
Just think about it: What if your mother decided that she did want you. Would you have supported it then? (not the previous user, everyone in general who thinks that it is ok).
Yes. I do not fear the prospect of nonexistence any more than I do the inevitable cessation of existence, which is not at all. Do you think of people as monsters simply because they do not have a pathological aversion to death? Or because they consider it more humane than a life of torment and/or misery?
Are you ok? No abortion is not ok. Its unnatural. Even if you're not religious you don't see animals in the wild getting abortions..... call me stupid I don't care just my opinion.
1 Abortion is not by necessity planned abortion. It does happen to animals in the wild, usually due to malnutrition. 2 Consider how many unnatural procedures the average human being performs in an average day. The majority of these are ok by most human standards.
So what you are saying is that the mother should have the right to kill someone to save her from pain? The same argument could be made for someone who wanted to kill you to harvest your organs.
So what you are saying is that the mother should have the right to kill someone to save her from pain?
No. What I am saying is that the mother should have the right to abort the process of reproduction in the early stages of pregnancy as well as the preceeding stages to save her from pain and the other stresses that go along with involuntary reproduction.
The same argument could be made for someone who wanted to kill you to harvest your organs.
Indeed. It could also be made for someone who only likes to eat cheese on Sundays, but I don't see any reason to apply this argument to wholly unrelated scenarios.
What do you mean cheese on sundays? I mean that, killing a baby (or fetus, it's STILL a living breathing human) to save a woman from pain is the same as killing you to take your kidney to save myself from pain, what do you mean cheese?