ForumsThe TavernA Good Idea?

12 1919
417 posts

Do you think that Miss USA would wave so hard and for so long, knowing that her arm will fall off, if it would end world hunger? How about with D.J.s and fist pumping?

  • 12 Replies
417 posts

In what way? It's a full complete sentence. asking a legitimate question, along with a follow up question? Don't write something off *** spam just because you can't comprehend the depth of the post.

Also, I can make a very strong argument that your post was spam. Please lighten up, and join in the discussion, and if you don't know how, you can leave it and go back to comparing pee streams with the other boys in a different thread.

417 posts

Like I said, If you can't comprehend the depth of the discussion, don't post. It's as simple as that. When you say this is spam, you are spamming, and one thing I dislike worse than a spammer is a hypocrite.

Also you can lose your arm from waving too hard, you just have to have a preixisting condition, which are easier to contract if you have an eating disorder. Don't you thing it's funny that the most prominent people fighting world hunger have eating disorders?

5,552 posts

this is spam stop posting stuff like this on AG

No, what you posted is spam. Congratz.

This is a thread about peoples arms falling off because they wave.

No, it's about how celebrities or social figures act like they care, but if they had to give something in order to have the same effect or support/fix the cause they supposedly support, would they?

I think that it counts as spam and is pointless anyway. Truthfully, I hope it gets locked, and it probably will.

Way to mindlessly agree with the person who posted before you.

On to the subject...

I highly doubt it. Why would a beauty pageant winner care one way or the other about various causes and issues around the world? They just want their time in the sun. Rappers probably the same thing, and as PR stunts.

I'm sure some legitimately care, but you have to judge that based on their actions supporting that cause and not just promoting it.

Don't you thing it's funny that the most prominent people fighting world hunger have eating disorders?

They're the most prominent in the media because of this hypocrisy most likely. True supporters would be self evident to the people receiving help, as they would actually meet/see/benefit from their involvement.

I'm sure that not even close to a majority of those who genuinely care and help are overweight, they just aren't highlighted by the media.
417 posts

You might be right, Kasic. Plus how would she win anymore beauty pageants with one arm. Though It might be a good way to weed out the fakes and phonies by making this a requirement for Miss USA.

As for the D.J.s, it's really just more of a wish of mine. How will they be able to make such terrible music with no arms? Plus they would lose them doing what they love: punching the air like it was a body pillow with a drawing of their stepdad on it. It's really a win-win if you think about it. That being said, I think it's high time we start putting leper blood in Skrillex's cereal.

5,952 posts

by making this a requirement for Miss USA.

d-did you just say you want their arms to fall off? or are you just saying that their should be better ways to find what they are thinking? really all the do is
"well, im pretty, and i love puppies and being poor is bad and so is global warming, and im pretty, and SAVE THE PENGUINS! did i mention im pretty?"
nawww i kid....sort of.....
but what i think your getting at is this (but im not sure, theirs a lot of arm ripping going on....)
you feel that people seem so commited to a cause just to gain fame and win, and that if they actually were forced to get their hands dirty and really help, they couldnt. am i right? or do you just like chicks with no arms?
465 posts

dude what was the point of this
miss america having her arm fall off
anyways most of the stuff they do at pagents are fake and they don't really care about it
they just wanna win
like pick pocket said

417 posts

find what they are thinking? really all the do is
"well, im pretty, and i love puppies and being poor is bad and so is global warming, and im pretty, and SAVE THE PENGUINS! did i mention im pretty?"
nawww i kid....sort of.....
but what i think your getting at is this (but im not sure, theirs a lot of arm ripping going on....)
you feel that people seem so commited to a cause just to gain fame and win, and that if they actually were forced to get their hands dirty and really help, they couldnt. am i right? or do you just like chicks with no arms?

Really all of the above. Though I prefer them with one arm rather than no arms.
3,152 posts

A few quick questions:

1. Why would Miss America and or Disk Jockeys, be the only person chose to have that opportunity to end world hunger?

2. Why couldn't any random person(s) be given the opportunity to end world hunger?

3. How would peoples arms falling off end world hunger?

Oh yeah, arms cannot fall off because you shake them too much. (It is a funny thought though... LoL!)

by making this a requirement for Miss USA.

You would really like seeing peoples arms fall off?
417 posts

1. Why would Miss America and or Disk Jockeys, be the only person chose to have that opportunity to end world hunger?

Because they're the most prestigious of public figures. This could be about whoever you want. We can delve into the wonders of a one-armed Sandra Bullock if you wish.

2. Why couldn't any random person(s) be given the opportunity to end world hunger?

Because they're ugly and no one cares about them.

3. How would peoples arms falling off end world hunger?

Well you can eat the arms for one. It's more about raising awareness though. If Miss USA or Eskimo lost their arms In the fight against world hunger, other people would fall in line.

Oh yeah, arms cannot fall off because you shake them too much. (It is a funny thought though... LoL!)

If you lose all the circulation in your arm for long enough, eventually the limb will stop working, and eventually have to be amputated. Also, I already mentioned preexisting conditions. Maybe we can call the cause "Lepers Against Starvation."

You would really like seeing peoples arms fall off?

You wouldn't?
3,152 posts

Because they're the most prestigious of public figures. This could be about whoever you want. We can delve into the wonders of a one-armed Sandra Bullock if you wish.


Because they're ugly and no one cares about them.


Well you can eat the arms for one. It's more about raising awareness though. If Miss USA or Eskimo lost their arms In the fight against world hunger, other people would fall in line.

Eating arms? Cannibalism to end world hunger? LoL It would also shut up the people who are crying about over-population.

If you lose all the circulation in your arm for long enough, eventually the limb will stop working, and eventually have to be amputated. Also, I already mentioned preexisting conditions. Maybe we can call the cause "Lepers Against Starvation."

Sounds right, but the arms would be rotten if they were half dead when they got cut off.

You wouldn't?

I might like it if there was no blood or anything, and it just went "KLUNK!" straight to the floor. That might even be kinda funny. I wouldn't like it though if blood was spraying everywhere.

In short, if Miss America or a DJ, would shake their arms until they fell off and it would end world hunger, it would be a good idea. The only problem though, is finding out if they care more about the people starving, or one of their arms.
417 posts

Eating arms? Cannibalism to end world hunger? LoL It would also shut up the people who are crying about over-population.

It's a win-win-win-win-win situation!

Sounds right, but the arms would be rotten if they were half dead when they got cut off.

And we can feed them to skrillex in a smoothie!

I might like it if there was no blood or anything, and it just went "KLUNK!" straight to the floor. That might even be kinda funny. I wouldn't like it though if blood was spraying everywhere.

Well you gotta let em get stitched up first.

In short, if Miss America or a DJ, would shake their arms until they fell off and it would end world hunger, it would be a good idea. The only problem though, is finding out if they care more about the people starving, or one of their arms.

They're always talkin' out their ***** about it, so it seems that one of them would commit to their convictions.
1,673 posts

Well I think the answer to this question is, "Would you do it if your were Miss USA or a DJ? I may seem selfish, but I don't think I would, and therefore I don't it would be a good idea. First off all, waving your arm and making it fall off will certainly get many people into the cause, but it will certainly not end world hunger right away, or at all for the matter, it would just help the cause. Even though it does a good thing, I would value my arm too much for that to happen. But this is really all hypothetical anyway...

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