ForumsThe TavernYour Self-Image/ Self-esteem

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125 posts

If you don't know what the title means (You may be foreign) it means how you see yourself.

My question to you guys (And girls) is, do you have a good self image or do you feel as if you aren't right.

I personally used to have a horrible self image, I would always feel different from everyone. But now that I'm older, I just learnt not to care what people think of me. I'm generally seen as a weird person at my school. Mostly because I'm not generic. I feel like I do what I need. Despite this I have quite a lot of friends because I'm easy to ger along with

I'm not so much "Different" that I go around parading myself "That's so mainstream, bro" and just acting like an idiot but I generally do things that no one else does. For example, I play soccer (Football) which means I'm one of eight in my whole school and I generally enjoy being myself.

How I overcame me caring what people think was basically to realise that if they don't like me than why should I change. Every now and again I get minor anxiety for an hour but I'm usually ok.

So what about you guys. Hopefully some adults can give some opinions too.

  • 12 Replies
2,765 posts

Wow, I only just read your newcomers thread, and now I read this. Keep up the threads.

Personally I feel as if I react badly to what others say to me, it may be due to the fact that I don't know many people, but sometimes I just feel like changing myself, luckily this hasn't happened to me (Yet) and I can still be me.

I haven't met many people that can really just live freely, it's great to see someone that can.

I also have a pure hate of people who bully others. Maybe it's because I was bullied when I was younger but I don't know.

5,340 posts

i had and still have a horibble self esteem. im pretty different then most people (by looks, personality and pretty much everything) and when i say most people i even mean people who are close to me like friends and family. i can only feel comfortable near my friends but i still cant just be myself even with them. its not that i try to be someone different when im with other people. its just that i dont bother showing myself because theres no point to it. for example, my family probably think im some kind of gothic person who hates life itself and never speak. they probably think that way because i know they wouldnt care about my true self at all so i just show nothing.

i have the most confidence on the internet (pathetic isnt it? XP) and hopefully one day ill actually meet people in real life that can bear me.

3,766 posts

I actually have a pretty good self esteem. I am just myself around people. If they like me for who I am then great. If they don't then that is there choice. I am not the most sociable person in the world but I have a decent amount of friends. So I think if I was a little more outgoing I would be happier but I am content with who I am.

13,344 posts

I like to tell myself that I don't care what people think of me, but in reality I know that's far from the truth. I've been rejected socially so many times in my life that I've lost a large chunk of my confidence to be around people. Which sucks, because I know I have a great personality, so I always end up wondering what it is that people don't like about me.

I just tell myself I haven't met the right people yet.

1,081 posts

I've got a good girlfriend, but I can't seem to find the right friends. I mean everyone i've ever met has either back-stabbed me or talked about me behind my back. Everyone seems fake to me, I know about only one true friend who will never betray me in any way.

The only thing I hate about myself is that I can't seem to gain any type of fat. I eat fastfoods about twice every week and if you were you see how much I ate you would wonder how i'm still so skinny.

3,371 posts

Well I have a pretty low self esteem. It hasn't gotten any higher recently, I think it's actually gotten lower. I don't really like myself, but I'm working on figuring out why and what can be done about it. I often pretend to be happy around people, but more often now I allow people to see me sad since they seem not to notice anyway. Um, yeah... I have a low self-esteem but I'm working on it.

465 posts

you don't know what the title means (You may be foreign) it means how you see yourself.

really man
if some doesn't understand it its not cuz their foreign its just cuz tjeir young and trying to learn
thats like calling peple who are not your race stupid
i thought that was a little racist

anyways mine is pretty low cuz this is pulling it down

but other than that i try to boost it as much as possible
i think mine is ok but i want it to be better
i also want to see myself as a better persson in other peoples eyes
1,361 posts

I have a very high self-esteem... I know that I may have my flaws, but I rarely ever focus on them because they aren't significant enough to me to be an issue! =)

What people think of me doesn't matter to me. I happen to love myself, and if people don't share that same feeling about me, they don't have to be a part of my life if they don't want to be!

I don't let these things get to my head... it doesn't solve anything if I do!

417 posts

Self loathing is a large part of my life, but i try not to let it get to my head... You can't improve anything if you cant see any flaws.

5,952 posts

Despite my amazing charm and personality on teh interwebz, I actually am fairly quite. It's not that I'm really quite, it's more so that it takes me some time to get to know people. Amount my friends, im pretty loud. But I too have terible self esteem. I can't stand it when people seem to think I'm strange because I don't think their is anything wrong with me... It's manly because I moved recently, and I used to get along great with everyone. Now I just don't feel comfortable here.... I don't know why. I don't get along with alot of people. I view myself strangely, and not in a good way. If I do something a little different then I think to myself, "ugh that was stupid, just shut up". It gets worse once you add girls into the equation. Then i think, "don't do something stupid, don't do something stupid, don't do something stupid, don't do some--- oh I'm an idiot." so yeah, that doesn't help much.

175 posts

I have been diagnosed with a form of schyzofrenia at age 11 so I've always been a bit different and for some reason i always refused to go with the mainstream.
Because of that schyzofrenia my paranoia level is pretty high, so i have a hard time bonding with new people, also becuase of numerous backstabbing "friends".
Also I tend to get hated by the most popular people on our school which causes somesort of hatewave, this made me feel pretty bad about myself but i've learned to cope with it but as some people before me said, well I also have a trouble being me arround others, so my personality differs from the people i'm with, which i find rather sad.

28 posts

I guess I have fairly low self-esteem. I always feel the need to please everyone, and I fear disapproval and such.

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