ForumsThe TavernSomething I found a bit rude

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I work at Wendy's, yes it's fast food, yes its horrible, whatever I don't need your input on my decisions. I do however, need help on judging my reactions to the given situation.

Today the district manger was their all day with a large number of corporate officials inspecting the place. After we worked with them all day, one of the Regional managers starts handing free meal certificates to all the lazy employs standing around doing nothing. I, and a few other employs where not given one, or offered one. It struck me odd to reward the lazy ones, so I figured the few of us who actually try and do good work and earn a pay check should receive something as well. However, I was let down. After handing them out she started to leave. So I yelled "Favoritism is a horrible method of leadership." To which she didn't respond well, and got really close to me and started asking me all these questions about why I was mad at her. She thought it was because I didn't get free meal. It was due to the simple fact that I work harder than any one that got one, and was not even offered one.

I just feel like you're rewarding them, and telling me that I'm not doing a good job. Perhaps I'm just being narcissistic about all of this, I don't really know.

Any thoughts?

  • 5 Replies
13,344 posts

Three words. Fast. Food. Managers. These aren't everyday rational people. No, these are the people who get paid to boss teenagers around because it gives them a false sense of authority. Generally speaking, they don't have the skills to do anything else, and they often aren't the brightest of the bunch; but when it comes to getting their way, they will stop at nothing.

The stories I've heard from people about fast food managers are much too disturbing for me to share.

5,340 posts

i agree with you it was wrong... but i cant understand why she gave THEM the meals. and more importantly i cant understad why you didnt ask her why she gave them the meals and not the others.

1,361 posts

Maybe she saw that you were doing a better job than everybody else and she was administering some sort of character test... she may not have given you one because she knew you were one of the only people there willing to actually work hard to earn something.

Which means, unfortunately, you failed the test. =P

417 posts

I knew a guy in high school who worked at Wendy's. We called him Wendy's.

65 posts

maybe it was some sort of test to see how everyone would react to it

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