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ForumsGamesSequester ending

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4 posts

Can someone clear up how the ending relates to the actual story? I'm a bit confused, also what about the ending line 'then there was one'

  • 18 Replies
5,340 posts

i was very confused myself. towards the ending i got this strange feeling that the sister got lonely and tried to make the child to get trapped in her world so she have someone with her. maybe she haunted his dreams on purpose and he couldnt do anything about it because he couldnt speak? i really dont know. i actually searched for an explanation but couldnt find one.

it also felt as if the child was trying to escape instead of saving her in the last few levels and i also noticed that some of the messeages there in different levels are connected.

when the end is near and there is only one word in each level if you combine those words into a sentence it gives something like: &quotlease, leave/go" (i really cant remember). id like it if someone can share his perspective.

5,340 posts

sorry for double. i also got the feeling that her biological father died while falling the stairs? the level in which she remembers looks alot like stairs and the lava inside the walls look like a man if you look at them from the other side (the background). for some reason i also got the feeling she pushed him by mistake? but maybe im overusing my intuition

2 posts

Ah think that basically when her sister had died, the little brother had nightmares and i suppose was depressed. Because he could not bear these nightmares, he decided to kill himself(which might explain the last scene of a R.I.P symbol with only a grave and the first when he was on top of the grave). Don't know why it's "And then there was one". Oh and the last words were "Please don't go".

5,340 posts

Oh and the last words were "Please don't go".

hmmm.... i might have understood it as &quotlease... dont.... go" as in trying to say: &quotlease dont do it just leave." i guess imagination is the only way to "understand" this game
1 posts

And what did the sister mean when she said "Oh! It was you all along." What was the boy all along?

Also, any ideas as to the meaning of the big bold word FAITH in the room with the suicide lava? I'm thinking it might be that the girl had no faith and so she went to Hell. The boy did have faith and so when he 'died' in the lava he went back up out of Hell and died on earth (hence the grave at the end) and then went to Heaven. The whole game, like Anamatron said, was the boy going truly insane in his depression with some kind of dream and finally killing himself when he understood their was no way to save his sister.

5,340 posts

And what did the sister mean when she said "Oh! It was you all along." What was the boy all along?

in some level there were thoughts that werent her own and she didnt understand what they were. if im not wrong there will be a thought that says something like: "im your little brother" and thats what she means.

Also, any ideas as to the meaning of the big bold word FAITH in the room with the suicide lava? I'm thinking it might be that the girl had no faith and so she went to Hell. The boy did have faith and so when he 'died' in the lava he went back up out of Hell and died on earth (hence the grave at the end) and then went to Heaven. The whole game, like Anamatron said, was the boy going truly insane in his depression with some kind of dream and finally killing himself when he understood their was no way to save his sister.

i doubt it has anything to do with religion. this game focused on her story and her family and emotions. if it had anything to do with this kind of faith it would be pretty shallow and disapointing. i think it was just there so the boy should trust the only way he can go: to the lava.

maybe he should have faith in his sister? or maybe that everything eventually will get better?
189 posts

When you finish all levels (100 %), you can notice a line : "She's finally free" ! ---> Maybe every "mazes" in their mind have been ... solved... Our main character may be not silenced anymore...
But I wonder....
+ "And then there was one", what does that mean ?
+ I don't understand about the necklace much...

5,340 posts

When you finish all levels (100 %), you can notice a line : "She's finally free" ! ---> Maybe every "mazes" in their mind have been ... solved... Our main character may be not silenced anymore...

what do you mean by 100%?

+ "And then there was one", what does that mean ?

well technically they were together in that dream. "and then there was one" might refer to the fact that he woke up and she wasnt there.

+ I don't understand about the necklace much...

i dont remember a necklace... refresh my memory?
1 posts

well i think the necklace was given to her by his boyfriend beacuase it says HE gave me this necklace (something like that) and i also think this baced that im sorta assuming this.

3,426 posts

She realizes you're her brother and find out that he was mute since that incident. The pictures show how he visited his sister's grave.

1 posts

If i have to say anything about this i believe that, after the sister's death the younger brother had nightmare's about her that haunted him for the rest of his life which ended very soon afterwards. In the end of the game it shows shows and talks about the boy. How he was mute and had dreams. He had the dreams of the sister and died afterwards.

Him dieing could have been from his visit to that place where his sister dwells.

Or it could have been mentally. He had nightmares, parents did not know because he was mute and he died from the mental stress.

but, when you look at the game. The sister is narrating the story as if this is not actually her story. That the point is to explain her brothers story. So this could not all have to do with this sister brother thing. It could just be the sister explaining the death of her brother.

There also lots of hidden messages. One of them could have been go "down". Then after that when you get farther it says "up" So maybe it is saying we need to get up because they are to deep? Then the thoughts get mixed up. Then it says "trust" that is when you jump into the lava stuff and die and escape?

If you start taking everything in the last few levels it reads out &quotlease don't go, you are my sister" So it looks just like the boy is trying to keep the sister with him. Which makes the sister narrating make sense. He is in the underworld but the sister is somehow inside to. Then at the end she explains the death. Which I have already said but, It then says "And then there was one"

So one of them left.

Or the thoughts mixing of both means they are one. because before the trust death thing. She says something like "I know I have been rough with you but, we are brother and sister that is all that matters." So they are united as one again?

Now this is just my opinion so, If you have a better answer please fill me up this was my best guess.

189 posts

what do you mean by 100%?

Click CHOOSING LEVEL and don't ask.... !
And Kain1009 how can you explain about the necklace... ? It's freakin' though...
5,340 posts

awww.... my game got deleted. it was nice and all but i really dont feel like playing from the begining... could you tell me? i did notice that the level select screen looks like a necklace but is there more?

189 posts

You can see that the necklace appears right in the name of the game...
Before I'd finished 100 % the game, the line I told you was still "She is 80 % free", "She is 90 % free", bla bla bla,... Then I tried finishing this game even with the help of walkthrough... All I got was just this :
Finally the image of the necklace still makes me feel something mysterious about this... Idk what it is... She and the boy have never had that before... It seems to attract her... It appeared on his hand... Now "here lies" the necklace, which helped her free...

5,340 posts

well ive only played it once and finished it so i only visited the level select screen once after i finished it. i didnt notice the necklace in the begining, the end and i didnt even notice the levels build a necklace until now. idk... maybe we are looking to much to it and it was just a motive the creator liked.

i even read a theory in a youtube video in which the girl turned into a ghost. she didnt accept her brother (i think there was a line that said something like that) and his feelings made her stay in this world and haunt his dreams. then in the ending when he says: "your my sister" and she accepts him she can finally be free and rest in piece. it does make sense in a way too but honestly... many theories can make sense.

i guess thats the beauty in this game.

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