The game was amazingly simple for me all i needed was the sniper and i could beat everything with the dragnov.
But i do have one question. how do you use the mods that you get for the secret achievements?
anyway heres a list of how to get the achievements. "human plug" you have to stand on the water sprout for a while in the caves. "detective" in "siege under" level you have to crouch into the dark spot as soon as you get off the helicopter. "embarrassing" you have go to the factory and make a kill-streak active and jump into the pouring lava with the streak active not the pool of lava. "water wings" you have to crouch in the water at the bottom of the "village" level long enough to drown.
That's basically comparing CoD with Halo... While they are made by the same people (different artist, though), they are vastly different in mechanics and art and have different storylines.
The style is so much similar though. Story is one thing, but the games are a bit too close together. I already knew they were made by the same people. It's just that I'd like a little more variety. What if John's games were all ones were you tried to get high combos or press buttons? What if Krin's games were all stop-and-go fighters with scaling abilities? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just asking for some more differences.
That's basically comparing CoD with Halo... While they are made by the same people (different artist, though), they are vastly different in mechanics and art and have different storylines.
But they are NOT vastly different in mechanics! At least in the physics portion of the game, they're nearly identical!
And the storylines aren't too far off from one another either!
I think SFH is a good game. I like it, but it feels too short once you beat it. I think if either this or Raze 2 could get online multiplayer, I'd give it to this. Also, side note, does anyone else feel like this game is a very excellent demo for something? To me, it feels like it needs more (faster leveling, more missions, higher level cap, SOMEthing.)Maybe the ability to start over with character stats and "overlevel" them. Or maybe something more to do with money in the endgame; I have a level 50 assassin with 41k and everything is already bought, so I feel like money is too scarce early on and too plentiful later.
Okay, I found out why it feels like it needs more content: the main weapon unlocks stop at 32. I feel like the main weapons unlocked at level 32 are all too odd. Compare the chaingun to any other assault rifle- way different, compare seigeius to any other shield, compare the katana to snipers. (The medic's finals are actually okay.)