Hi there! i guess you have already noticed(and if theres another thread about this, delete what i wrote here) but in the "quick feedback" section of many games there are posts advertising for shoes and whatnot. i think it is in armorgames interest to delete those and maybe do something about it? i really like this site and some (:P) of your work is really great(blablabla), and i dont come here to be told where to buy my shoes.... thats about it, and keep up the good work!!!!
The ads that pop up are linked to your search history. If I search for games alot, which I do, MMORPG ads pop up constantly for me.
That being said, get an ad blocker. This issue has been discussed umpteenth times before, and the consensus we get is that, no, AG will not deprive itself of some revenue just for some people, when the way to ''solve'' this ''issue'' can be done by the users who find this a ''roblem'' themselves.
I think what SuperPlayer means is the adds entered in the game comment box below the games. There have been reports of shoe advertisements and others in the past, so it's a known bug.
What you can do best is to flag the comment add you discovered and then tell Justin or Phil (both AG admins) about it, as they can weed out the problems.
It hasn't happened before to my recollection, but if the adds should be posted directly on your personal profile, do not delete them as they might be used as proof for the admins to act upon... flag them and then tell an admin about them.