Back story: In 2589 Multi-Millionaire Moniko Urato started the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 2500 and he gave all of the Cites near the stadium's Leader has a free seat on the V.I.P stand also he said all Uratos have a seat there, He Allowed all over 20s from drag racer to Astronauts. In 2599 Moniko Died and his son Yuriki changed the rules so that you had to be specific. to get in also they found other Alien Races on other planets as Ratonus and Curetasla, and he widen it so they could join. In 2718 a Ratsoian called Jurakmi Akraita sabotaged the building of The GUFRT27 and 200 people died he was jailed for 34 years so they stopped the GUFRT27 until 2900 and the Ratsonians were banned for entering till the year 3000. In the year 3000 Turino(Great Great Grand Daughter of Yuriki Urato) said all 3000 to 3500 will be held in Englos. The races were held high in GUFRT31 as two champions were selected instead of one. Now GUFRT36 is improved greatly.
Character Sheet:
Name: Callsign: Money: 1000 Solar Bucks Race: Age:15 to 80 Appearance: Equipment: you buy Armour & Car Colour: Armour Status: Car Status: Car Name: Team: I fill Engineer: I fill Team Name: Perk: I make from History. History:
Money: Solar Bucks ae the currency
Ratsonian �" There head is bald but with few Hair spikes on it and their brown-ish skin, when others look at this race they remember About Jurakmi Akraita, their home-world is Ratonus.
Cureians �" They are lizard-like Alligator Humanoid type of race there home-world is Curetasla.
Humans �" You know them.
Tsunnian �" A very intelligent species they are like High Elves, They are tall their home-world is Tsundora.
Mantiasian �" A race that are short, their home-world is Mantia.
Armour Colour and Car Colour:
You only have colour for one of your people in you team here is the List: Red Blue Green Yellow Black Brown White Purple
Your team comes from your history.
He's the one in your team that's all ways ready at the pit stop.
Team Name:
This name represents your team.
It is your backstory please make it atleast 3 sentances long.
PIT STOP: Your engineer stays there and you can swap with you team's vehiclesÂ
ame: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 77% Car Status: 62% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.
"Ha ha ha ha, just like the old saying, 'cheaters never win.' I said, "but I still want to finish this race."
ame: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 77% Car Status: 62% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.
Vanessa comes up to you, "My car has the advantage in speed, why dont you give it a spin."
The speaker blares, "The Destroyer is on the final lap!"
1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) Final Lap, Health 66% (Degrading 3% per action - the tires are punchured)
2nd - Lone Wolf - (You) Health 63% (Mending 1% per action - Pit stop) Nitro Tanks Full (Refilling 7% per action - Engineer) 74% Mud Basin 100% (Patched) PITSTOP
-------------------------------------------------- The Turbulence 103 team Name: Furguson Race: Ratsonian Gender: Male Colour: Brown Strength: Speed Weakness: Defence Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro *
Name: Darater Race: Ratsonian Gender: Male Colour: Brown Strength: Defence Weakness: Tyres Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics
Name: Sulko Race: Cureian Gender: Male Colour: Purple Strength: Traping Weakness: Bottom of car Equipment: Various armoury of traps
Name: Que Race: Tsunnian Gender: Male Colour: Red Strength: Strategies Weakness: Exhaust pipe Equipment: Satellite
Your team
Name: Vayagoa Race: Mantiasian Gender: Female Colour: Brown Strength: Terrain advantages Weakness: Advance Movement Equipment: Mud Splatter
Name: Vanessa Race: Human Gender: Female Colour: Red Strength: Speed Weakness: Corners Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)
Name: Julikoak Race: Cureian Gender: Male Colour: Lime Green Strength: Distraction Weakness: Terrain Equipment: Hidden Lights
Name: Valstarki Race: Cureian Gender: Female Colour: Black Strength: Stealth Weakness: Headlights Equipment: Stealth Generator *Highlighted is in the Race. ---------------------------------------------- The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.
Tomorrow I am going away for the week I will need to be excused from doing this sorry for the inconvience, I am putting Shadow gun in charge untill I am back.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 77% Car Status: 62% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy.
"Thanks, Ash phone the referee and tell him that were switching cars."
Oh and thank for putting me in charge I'll try my best, so I'll stop posting my car race until you come back.
I'm back. Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 77% Car Status: 62% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Leopard
You drive out, you find the Destroyer severely damaged, it's twisting and turning on the road, this seems to be your chance to get in front, but theres a down side, if you wisk in front without a care in the world about the other driver, he may be critically injured, the only way to help him is to have him quickly get new tires. The only way for him to do that is to get him to agree and call the Maintainance Service. (In this era, the emergency services are compact into big companies. Police, FBI(and etc) and traffic control are in "The Moon" but you can call them the Police. Medical services, Firefighting services and Coastguard (and etc) are in "The Sun" but you can call them the Maintainance Service.) Decide!
1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) Final Lap, Health 53% (Degrading 10% per action - the tires are no longer covered, scratching the ground, sparks flying)
2nd - Leopard - (You) Health 100% Nitro Tanks Full 100% -------------------------------------------------- The Turbulence 103 team Name: Furguson Race: Ratsonian Gender: Male Colour: Aqua Blue. Strength: Speed Weakness: Defence Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro *
Name: Darater Race: Ratsonian Gender: Male Colour: Wet Mud Brown Strength: Defence Weakness: Tyres Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics
Name: Ariel Race: Human Gender: Female Colour: Seaweed Green Strength: Scatter Weakness: Drag Factor Equipment: Extendable blades
Name: Sulko Race: Cureian Gender: Male Colour: Clam White Strength: Traping Weakness: Bottom of car Equipment: Various armoury of traps
Name: Que Race: Tsunnian Gender: Male Colour: Star fish Purple Strength: Strategies Weakness: Exhaust pipe Equipment: Satellite Your team
Name: Vanessa Race: Human Gender: Female Colour: Red Lightning Strength: Speed Weakness: Corners Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited)
Name: Julikoak Race: Cureian Gender: Male Colour: Acid Rain Green Strength: Distraction Weakness: Terrain Equipment: Hidden Lights
Name: Valstarki Race: Cureian Gender: Female Colour: Storm Cloud Black Strength: Stealth Weakness: Headlights Equipment: Stealth Generator *Highlighted is in the Race. ---------------------------------------------- Heya! Both teams have now been recoloured to fit a theme depending on the name of the team! Archer ---------------------------------------------- The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 77% Car Status: 62% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Leopard
I didn't care if I won or not, "Ash, patch me into the Destroyers radio." Once ash had done that, I would tell him he needed my help and the help from the Maintainance Service.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 77% Car Status: 62% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Leopard
I didn't care if I won or not, "Ash, patch me into the Destroyers radio." Once ash had done that, I would tell the driver of the Destroyer he needed my help and the help from the Maintainance Service.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 89% Car Status: 73% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Leopard
"One second!" Ash says, next minute you hear some rapid beeping and heavy breathing coming through the radio, you start talking but he shouts, "No way! I'm not going to let a silly runt like you ruin my chanc- I mean my TEAM's chance for championship, so NO! I am going to go forward no matter what!" and he goes ahead of you, you hear the radio sting off, you look up to see the Destroyer ablaze! But it started its nitro you hear two "The Sun" vehicles heading for him, they have their yellow lights on and their white car with yellow circles on the bonnet and side. They close in but he deploys stingers and "The Sun" vehicles went into hover mode and flies over the stingers and hovered in front of him. You hear a distorted noise from the radio, "I woul(distortion) s(distortion)e thi(distortion) un(distortion) got in a (distortion) with the cham(distortion)on (distortion cuts radio)." You see that he fires two missiles and they hit the vehicles and they blow up. Now you hear two sirens and four maintainance cars, you guess the sirens are the cops, they close in... You can interfere by helping him get the police off him, use nitro to get ahead and ram into him which would stop him so "The Sun" could sieze him but it will damage both vehicles and may hurt him more and damage him more, or you can zoom ahead. What's YOUR decision? 1st - Destroyer - (Enemy) Final Lap, Health 23% (Degrading 20% per action - the tires are no longer covered, scratching the ground, sparks flying and on fire)
2nd - Leopard - (You) Final Lap, Health 100% Nitro Tanks Full 100% -------------------------------------------------- The Turbulence 103 team
Name: Furguson Race: Ratsonian Gender: Male Colour: Aqua Blue. Strength: Speed Weakness: Defence Equipment: Stinger Deployer, Medicore Quallity Nitro *
Name: Darater Race: Ratsonian Gender: Male Colour: Wet Mud Brown Strength: Defence Weakness: Tyres Equipment: Giant Car & Hydraulics
Name: Ariel Race: Human Gender: Female Colour: Seaweed Green Strength: Scatter Weakness: Drag Factor Equipment: Extendable blades
Name: Sulko Race: Cureian Gender: Male Colour: Clam White Strength: Traping Weakness: Bottom of car Equipment: Various armoury of traps
Name: Que Race: Tsunnian Gender: Male Colour: Star fish Purple Strength: Strategies Weakness: Exhaust pipe Equipment: Satellite
*Highlighted is in the Race. ---------------------------------------------- Heya players! I am thinking of bringing out another GURFT universe forum game but based around not racing but everyday life and it will be exciting ont worry but you escalate in jobs and stuff, I want your view.In your next post put in quotes what your responce is. Archer ---------------------------------------------- The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 89% Car Status: 73% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his fathers legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Leopard
"Ash tell Vanessa sorry about the damage to her car," I turn the nitro on and try to reach him, luckily my dad also taught me as a part of my race training how to save drivers who were on fire. I get out of the car while it is still moving and try to jump on to the other car, if I made it if would try to smash the window open, and pull him out then try to get off the ticking time-bomb of a car.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 1480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his father's legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 49% Car Status: 54% Car Name: Leopard
"What?" Ash responds confused and you just end the radio transmission, you activate your nitro and get neck and neck you open the door and you jump out but your foot turns the steering wheel midair and the car smacks into the wall and spun around and flipped over and started spinning on the top, the Police and Maintainance cars go into hover mode to avoid the car. You manage to land on the other car it's very hot, but when trying to get him out, he hits his head and his arm turns the steering wheel, and you rammed into the wall and because he was going so fast the door was teared off and you both flew out onto the track, your vision was blurred, the last thing you saw before you fell unconscious you saw the destroyer skid in front and explode, then you fall unconscious....
6 days later you find your self in a bed, seeing Vanessa, Ash and Vayagoa. You ask them, "What..." Ash replies, "After you fell unconscious, The Sun took you to this hospital." You mutter, "The race...?" Vayagoa said, "Both disqualified, you for pulling that Level 8 stunt on a Level 1 Match, him for using unlisted equipment and for not stopping for Maintainance and Police." Your vision drifts over to Vanessa but she has an angry and worried look on her face, she says, "You ruined my car, his car and nearly got you killed! It's a Rank 1 Match, none of you should even be scratched let alone using missiles. You say sorry but she looks away and says she have to think about it. You get up and you look down the hall way and see a doctor and nurse guiding a hover cryogenic status bed you see on the side it says "Furguson" and you see them enter the morgue. Ash says, "You have to take another preliminary, Your car is fixed, but this time the have made sure they have got the right equipment."
You are about to walk out when this guy in a suit and shades stops you, he slides 2000 Solar Bucks to you, and he says, "That's just your pay for racing, meet me after your race at Jewelry Yard, I need to talk to you.
EVENT get!
2000 SB get!
You go down to the track to find the shop is open again and your car fixed up.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 1480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his father's legacy. ---EXTRA--- Borrowed from Vanessa. Equipment: Nitro Booster(High Limited) Armour & Car Color: Red with a black lightning bolt on it. Armour Status: 49% Car Status: 54% Car Name: Leopard
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 1480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his father's legacy. EVENT: Meet Shady guy at Jewelry Yard, Now or after the race!
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 1480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his father's legacy.
Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 1480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Medium Quality Armor Deployer (100% reay for activation) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 100%
It's attached and you drive out and see the other one. 3! 2! 1! GO! You go in front...
What do you want to do
1st - Xenon - (Enemy) In relation to you they are behind and to the left. Health 100%
2nd - Lone Wolf - (You) Health 100% Nitro Tanks Full 100% Mud Basin 100% Armor Deployer (Ready for Activation)
-------------------------------------------------- The Science team
---------------------------------------------- Heya players! I am thinking of bringing out another GURFT universe forum game but based around not racing but everyday life and it will be exciting ont worry but you escalate in jobs and stuff, I want your view.In your next post put in quotes what your responce is. Archer ---------------------------------------------- The Champion who you aim to beat in the Grand Urato Fight-Race Tournament 3600 Which takes place after rookie teams are tested, drop-in teams will battle the losers and then if the losers win there in the next round and vice versa. Car Status: 100% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his father's legacy.
heres the full sheet I messed up Name: Alan White (3) Call-sign: Shadow Money: 1480 Solar Bucks Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: 5"9', lean, brown hair, bluish green eyes, Caucasian skin Equipment: Low Quality Mudsplatter (left-back), Low Quality Nitro Blaster (Side-right) Armour & Car Color: Black with a yellow lightning bolts on the sleeves and car-doors. Armour Status: 100% Car Status: 100% Car Name: Lone wolf Team: Vayagoa, Vanessa, Julikoak, Valstarki Engineer: Ash Team Name: Black lightnings Perk: Follower of one path - +10% to Diplomatic relations History: Alan is a new comer to the battle racing circuit, but his father trained him, and his sister is a racing prodigy. His father died in car wreck in 3595, Alan was only sixteen. Now Alan wants to continue his father's legacy.