ForumsThe TavernKeep honking, I'm reloading...

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1,044 posts

This is a thread where you can post all the funny bumper stickers that you have seen/heard about.

1. keep honking, I'm reloading. (duh)
2. so many cats, so little recipes.

and on and on and on.

  • 13 Replies
3,152 posts

1. God, please help me to be the person my dog thinks I am.

2. My Pitbull is smarter then your honor student.

Where I live, people don't have that many bumper stickers... These ones I was just lucky to hear about (I didn't see either).

107 posts

my dad has one on his truck n it says "lost your cat? try looking under my tires..."

87 posts

Having a nice day, good, now put your hands up

280 posts

My other car is a AT-AT xD

39 posts

1. I'm only speeding because I really have to poop.

2. If you can read this, I'm not impressed. Most people can read.

I just heard of these, and they were pretty funny.

1,044 posts

*really tiny text* if you can read this, I can slam on my brakes and sue you. */really tiny text*

glad I got responses...

1,361 posts

Keep honking, I'm reloading...

Lol! My favorite is... "Honk if you've never seen an uzi fired from a car window!"
4,710 posts

We all love reading those funny stickers that people place on their bumpers. Not only do they entertain us, but they actually do bring life into perspective. The following list details 50 of the funniest bumper stickers ever! Whether you want a good laugh, or simply want to tick off other people, these can prove to be especially helpful!

1. âThe good thing about schizophrenia is you never run out of people to talk to.â

2. âSome people are alive only because itâs illegal to kill themâ

3. âEveryone is entitled to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilegeâ

4. âDonât steal. The government hates competition.â

5. âGun Control means using BOTH HANDSâ

6. âBorn Free But Iâm Higher Priced Nowâ

7. âEven though this is a stupid sticker youâre squinting to read itâ

8. âI donât SUFFER from insanity; I enjoy EVERY MINUTE of it!â

9. âIf you canât live without me, how come youâre not dead?â

10. âWomen love exclamation points!!! (But they HATE periods)â

11. âIâm NOT mooning you â" Iâm turning the other cheek!â

12. âKinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken!â

13. âOut of my mind. (Be Back in 5 Minutes)â

14. âI had a life, but my job ate itâ

15. âIf youâre close enough to read this, you just violated your restraining orderâ

16. âDonât worry what people think, they donât do it very oftenâ.

17. âCows come and go, but BULL lasts foreverâ

18. âI donât discriminate, I hate everybody!â

19. âLaugh at your problems, everyone else doesâ

20. âLike what you see? Dial 1-800-YOU-WISHâ

21. âMy attitude...YOUR PROBLEM!â

22. âMy road to success is under constructionâ

23. Iâm having an out-of-money experienceâ

24. âIf I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet, Iâll put shoes on my DOG!â

25. âItâs called tourist season â" so, why canât we shoot âem?â

26. âAttention Employees! The beatings will continue until morale improvesâ.

27. âBACK OFF! Iâm a Postal Workerâ

28. âDo I mind of you smoke? Do YOU mind if I fart?â

29. âWomen are great leaders â" youâre following one nowâ

30. âGod created man first: You need a rough draft before a Masterpieceâ

31. âWife and Dog Missing: Reward for Dogâ

32. âMarriage is Grand. Divorce is 100 Grandâ

33. âIâm the boss. My wife said I could beâ

34. âThe 10 Commandments are NOT multiple choiceâ

35. âStop Repeat Offenders, DONâT RE-ELECT THEM!â

36. âGuns donât kill people, drivers with cell phones do!â

37. âKeep Honking, Iâm Reloadingâ

38. âDriver carries NO cash â" Heâs Married!â

39. âGot chocolate?â

40. âIâm not gaining weight, Iâm retaining food!â

41. âRoad Rage Next 10 Milesâ

42. âYour Kidâs an honor student, but youâre a moron!â

43. âI donât need kids, I married one!â

44. âEmbarrassing my children is a full-time occupation!â

45. âI child-proofed my house, but they STILL get in!â

46. âYou donât work full time till youâre a mom!â

47. âCan you fix my husband? He says heâs broke!â

48. âBe nice to America or weâll bring democracy to your country!â

49. âGive me coffee, and no one gets hurtâ

50. âI refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!â

9,438 posts

I've seen a few on that list, but my favorite that I've seen was
"Note to self: pink insulation is not cotton candy."

1,081 posts

I saw one that was pretty funny it said "Even though this is a STUPID STICKER you're still squinting to read this."

465 posts

My dad was a truck driver, he walked everywhere.

75 posts

We all love reading those funny stickers that people place on their bumpers. Not only do they entertain us, but they actually do bring life into perspective. The following list details 50 of the funniest bumper stickers ever! Whether you want a good laugh, or simply want to tick off other people, these can prove to be especially helpful!

1. âThe good thing about schizophrenia is you never run out of people to talk to.â

2. âSome people are alive only because itâs illegal to kill themâ

3. âEveryone is entitled to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilegeâ

4. âDonât steal. The government hates competition.â

5. âGun Control means using BOTH HANDSâ

6. âBorn Free But Iâm Higher Priced Nowâ

7. âEven though this is a stupid sticker youâre squinting to read itâ

8. âI donât SUFFER from insanity; I enjoy EVERY MINUTE of it!â

9. âIf you canât live without me, how come youâre not dead?â

10. âWomen love exclamation points!!! (But they HATE periods)â

11. âIâm NOT mooning you ��" Iâm turning the other cheek!â

12. âKinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken!â

13. âOut of my mind. (Be Back in 5 Minutes)â

14. âI had a life, but my job ate itâ

15. âIf youâre close enough to read this, you just violated your restraining orderâ

16. âDonât worry what people think, they donât do it very oftenâ.

17. âCows come and go, but BULL lasts foreverâ

18. âI donât discriminate, I hate everybody!â

19. âLaugh at your problems, everyone else doesâ

20. âLike what you see? Dial 1-800-YOU-WISHâ

21. âMy attitude...YOUR PROBLEM!â

22. âMy road to success is under constructionâ

23. Iâm having an out-of-money experienceâ

24. âIf I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet, Iâll put shoes on my DOG!â

25. âItâs called tourist season ��" so, why canât we shoot âem?â

26. âAttention Employees! The beatings will continue until morale improvesâ.

27. âBACK OFF! Iâm a Postal Workerâ

28. âDo I mind of you smoke? Do YOU mind if I fart?â

29. âWomen are great leaders ��" youâre following one nowâ

30. âGod created man first: You need a rough draft before a Masterpieceâ

31. âWife and Dog Missing: Reward for Dogâ

32. âMarriage is Grand. Divorce is 100 Grandâ

33. âIâm the boss. My wife said I could beâ

34. âThe 10 Commandments are NOT multiple choiceâ

35. âStop Repeat Offenders, DONâT RE-ELECT THEM!â

36. âGuns donât kill people, drivers with cell phones do!â

37. âKeep Honking, Iâm Reloadingâ

38. âDriver carries NO cash ��" Heâs Married!â

39. âGot chocolate?â

40. âIâm not gaining weight, Iâm retaining food!â

41. âRoad Rage Next 10 Milesâ

42. âYour Kidâs an honor student, but youâre a moron!â

43. âI donât need kids, I married one!â

44. âEmbarrassing my children is a full-time occupation!â

45. âI child-proofed my house, but they STILL get in!â

46. âYou donât work full time till youâre a mom!â

47. âCan you fix my husband? He says heâs broke!â

48. âBe nice to America or weâll bring democracy to your country!â

49. âGive me coffee, and no one gets hurtâ

50. âI refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!â

Where did you copy all of them?? ;D
65 posts

i saw one that said

my son can beat up your honor student

Showing 1-13 of 13