ForumsThe TavernFading Humor

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I was looking back on some old popular threads from 2010-2011, and I could not believe how funny I was back then. Going back and looking at my youthful antics kept me laughing non-stop.

Then I read some more recent threads from this year and it was like playing golf with a sack of flour; there was nothing really worth reading in any of those posts. Sure, there were a few very subtle jokes here and there, but it was almost as if I was reading the workings of a boring old man.

I've also noticed that I've posted severely less this year than I have in previous years. At the current rate, I'd say by the end of this year it will amount to half of what it was last year.

As many of you know, I turned 30 this year. So this has all made me wonder, has this age change caused me to lose a large chunk of my sense of humor? If so, is there anything I can do to get it back? Being a wise old owl is nothing to complain about, but I miss my youthful antics.

  • 8 Replies
8,253 posts

Is age the only thing that changed? Or could you think of a signifitcant difference in the situation before and now, that could account for the loss of humorous posts? Or the way you interact with AG changed, due to the period you've been active and the people you knew back then and now? Maybe you'd be a bit more humorous on another thread you don't know much?

Or probably your humor just changed instead of faded. There's more than one sense of humor...

13,344 posts

Or could you think of a signifitcant difference in the situation before and now, that could account for the loss of humorous posts?

It could just be as simple as a lack of new material, but if that's the case, why are funny comments suddenly not coming to me this year when in previous years they were practically second nature?

Maybe you'd be a bit more humorous on another thread you don't know much?

It may very well be the other way around. Maybe back then, I knew I wouldn't be the only person laughing at my posts. Now I don't know how people will react, or if they'll even be able to catch half the jokes I make.

Or probably your humor just changed instead of faded.

I wish that were the case. I hardly find anything funny anymore, and when I do find something funny, it's something that I would have always found funny. I can't think of anything that would have caused this other than the jump into 30's-hood.
1,361 posts

I was looking back on some old popular threads from 2010-2011, and I could not believe how funny I was back then.

For comparing and contrasting purposes, could you provide links to a few of those threads? I'm in the mood for a good laugh!

Oh, and... help you... yeah that too... =D
5,340 posts

As many of you know, I turned 30 this year. So this has all made me wonder, has this age change caused me to lose a large chunk of my sense of humor? If so, is there anything I can do to get it back? Being a wise old owl is nothing to complain about, but I miss my youthful antics.

i doubt its you or your age. you could be the funniest person in the whole world. when there arent any interesting people to talk to and make smart humour you cant be funny. its the community in my opinion.
13,344 posts

For comparing and contrasting purposes, could you provide links to a few of those threads?

Here is one of the best examples of how I behaved just a few years prior.

I suppose one of the main things that kept me going back then was that I wasn't alone in my acts; I had my best friend (FloydTC) posting in the forums alongside me. Unfortunately he went and got himself banned permanently late last year, so that may have been what made me lose my inspiration to post silly things in the forums.

when there arent any interesting people to talk to and make smart humour you cant be funny.

That's also very likely. The community seems more serious than it was in previous years, so that could also be it.
5,340 posts

That's also very likely. The community seems more serious than it was in previous years, so that could also be it.

serious OR closer to more stupid humour. it took more to both extreme sides instead of staying in the middle :/ its too bad really.
13,344 posts

serious OR closer to more stupid humour.

Yes, it is only on the extremes I've noticed. I read that funny jokes thread from a few days ago and I was amazed at how few funny people are left in the forums.
3,766 posts

I think it might not all be you. Most likely it is the fact that AG is a lot bigger now. Back then I am guessing that you knew everyone better so you would have inside jokes and just know each other better.
Now AG is so big you don't know everyone. Plus lots of people I think just do it for the AP and not to actually respond and make a thread good.

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