Could you perhaps tell us more about what this competition is? Right now it's pretty vague; it isn't really clear as to what the contestants are supposed to do. Just translate a song into their own language and post a video of it? Again, there isn't much detail as to what is meant by that. Is it just posting lyrics to a song, or does each contestant have to sing and make a video for the translated song? This could all be interpreted very loosely.
Why aren't English-speaking countries allowed in this competition?
as i said, every Competitor choose a song in his native Language, and translate it to english {nedd Confirmation for writing it in non-english from admin}, and a link to the song.
for say, i will take a song in hebrew, translate it, and the judge will declear which song is the best.
adn why english speaking cant compete? because the idea is the translating. the score will be based on translation, lyric and music {for say, 5-1 point each}. so a song in english is just not fair.
and no, thhey dont have to sing. just translate it and link to the original song {for say in youtube},so we will hear the best version of it. thats what i meant. what do you think?