ForumsThe TavernWhat do young Armor Gamers (whippersnappers) do for fun?

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3,086 posts

So I was looking for something to distract myself from the mountains of homework one gets when he is too busy either procrastinating or saving the world (you heard me correctly, I am a legitimate superhero) so I decided to nervously take a peek at the forums of my old favorite website, Armor Games. I used to be a regular here back and before you were a wee lad/lass of a gamer to hang out and escape from life's problems. I had to lay low you see, for my arch nemesis was in control of my one weakness in weaponized form (it was Bagpipes).

Anyway; after taking a look at the overly fun and freakishly entertaining games I decided to check out the forums, to see who I remembered and stuff (the classic nostalgia tour and all that). I soon came to realise that things around here have only changed slightly, it's gotten quieter over time, new users back in the day are now the the forefront of the regulars community and so on. So I decided to ask all of y'alls what your hobbies are, what your favorite games are and fun facts about the website and the community you've all contributed to and maintained over the months I was busy punching crime in the face with my Duck sidekick, Dr Quackery.

Yours insincerely, Ethan the Fox.

  • 4 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

They have long wall chats and spats....more so than in the past I think....Nothing much else though.

Or argue over Multiplayer games.

14,745 posts

Not to mention having the same discussions over and over and over and... well yah, you know what I mean with that! Come to think of it... it hasn't changed as it was the same when you got abducted by real life Efan!

As for your questions... uhhmmm... my hobbies? Well, I like to ride my bike (when the weather approoves), play games here on my favorite Flash Gaming website (yessirree!) and (you should know...) listen to music every second of the day! Except while I'm checking out the inside of my eyelids of course... =P

My favorite games are the recently uploaded "Zombotron 2", "Zombie at the Gates" and "Extreme Skater", to name three of them. =)

And the community has turned a little inactive (like nicho said) over time... forums are visited and posted in less, but the game review spam has kept up like weed! (o.O)

And the ArmorGames users have found out about a new toy (calling it a 'virus' is better suited) to play around with: HTML coding! Something I dislike and oppose openly as it has infected and -in the process- killed 2 of my friends already... not a good development if you ask me! =/

And last, but not least... Welcome Back Efan!!

100 posts

hey i'm quite new there (I play form 1-2 years I think) and these are my answers:
my hobbieslaying the piano;going out with friends(when we can) and playing flash gaes on Armor Games (i think all of ous is doing that)
about the site, MrDayCee was right: the fourum activity is low and there is a 'virus' (actualty i only think) and two of my friends dissapeared their names ware: Everybody Edits and In3structo tank.
(as I said I only think that this was the metter why they dissapeared)

511 posts

I´ve been an Armor Gamer for about 5 years now but I only have an account since 2010. I think (I´m unsure when you left) the community hasn´t changed much. There are still some people of your generation but you are quickly being replaced.

Even I have noticed I spend less and less time in the forum every week. But where I will one day leave hundreds will be ready to take my place, since Armor Games is still growing. The community will grow as well, maybe not as significantly as the amount of gamers.

Still I am confident the discussions will stay pointless.
The threads will stay useless.
But we will never be bored.
(got a bit carried away there)

Don´t worry everything will be alright.

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