Extra Chapter: A Gift from the sky

Extra Battle: Catch me if you can! Part 2!

How to enter battle
Read Above
Player characters
How to win
Defeat the Sky Lord
  • Sisily and her tarots gain a level
  • Emi gains a level
Difficulty(out of 10)

Strategy Guide

The Sky Lord is much like a buffed up version of a normal cloud hopper. He has extra range that allows him to counter magic attacks, and he has much more HP. Your starting position is rather poor, with a crowded map which can prove to be difficult.

Sisily is in range of the Sky Lord and most likely will be targeted if she didn't follow a battle build. There is not much you can do about it; have her conjure the Magician (or the Lovers if you have them).

Death is extremely useful in this battle. Since the Sky Lord has a pretty good dodge rate but is weak against physical attacks, save energy for Death to use her Iron Maiden attack. Emi again should play a support role since her magic isn't very powerful against him. Use Death's Soulburst, Soul Ritual, if things get dicey.

Nera's Crystal Ballad is always useful and this battle is no exception. The magic portion of Crystal Ballad won't do much damage but her physical part should be enough to make up for it.

Tips for this battle:


