74 | 843K |
Play game
Apr 9, 2008
A Gravity Bending Battle Royal!
Take control of an upgrade-able fighter ( color choice on main menu ) and fight your way though 170 levels of back-stabbing, mine-exploding, trap-dodging, platform jumping action! The game saves your progress, so you can fight another day.
Game concept and visuals by David Mills
Game programing & scripts by Ariston Cordeiro
"LEFT" & "RIGHT" ------move you around the circles
"UP"--------------------------jumps between circles, when held adjust camera "up"
"DOWN"--------------------drops a mine ( if you have any )
"Z"---------------------------- initiates "zoom" when adrenaline bar is full
"X"---------------------------- initiates "shield" when adrenaline bar is full
"C"--------------------------- switches between normal and landscape camera view
"A" ( after collision )--- launches hook ( if you've purchased it )
"S" ( after collision )--- launches gust ( if you've purchased it )
96 | 29M |
98 | 9 | 11M |
97 | 430K |
95 | 6 | 2M |
96 | 7 | 5M |
96 | 7M |
96 | 426K |
95 | 12M |
97 | 1 | 375K |
96 | 13 | 11M |