81 | 144K |
Play game
Mar 15, 2012
Use magic to fight off wave after wave of attacking robots. Earn gems for purchase spells and upgrades for more effectively destroy the robots. Try kill more robots at once to earn more gems.
Select enemy to set up target for Wizard auto attack.
To select enemy click it or hold down mouse button and move over.
To select spell use mouse or hotkeys Q,W,E,R. To cast selected spell click on enemies area.
To earn more money try to kill more enemies at once!
Q – lightning spell
W – firebal spell
E – frost spell
R – shield spell
Spacebar – open shop
95 | 26M |
95 | 3 | 343K |
96 | 7 | 5M |
96 | 612K |
95 | 12M |
96 | 13 | 11M |
99 | 9 | 11M |
97 | 1 | 376K |
95 | 6 | 2M |
97 | 8 | 6M |