Gramp's Ride

37 92K
Raiders took my dog

Play game

Apr 8, 2016


Gramp's Ride tells the story of a grandpa who wants to spend time with his grandson and accidentally winds up inside a video game and embarks on a great adventure.

This simple platformer harkens back to the good old days of 16-bit era games.


WASD or arrow keys and Space to move and jump.
P and Esc to pause.

Mouse to navigate menus.

March 21, 2016

- Fixed "Quit button" behavior on Pause Menu.

March 21, 2016

- Included Play button on Preloader. - Fixed Firefox scale bug on Preloader (Preloader centered). - Fade in/out on level selection screen music. - AG Logo clockable on Credits Screen.

March 16, 2016

1. Fixed scale problems in Firefox. 2. Implemented save data for SFX/BGM options. 3. Fixed bug relative to offline play. 4. Included SFX/BGM options on Pause Menu. 5. Fixed bug [ pause game with Gramps in a pipe ] 6. Change music track to improve loop. 7. OK 8. Include hotkeys for Power-ups 9. Include "quit level" option on Pause Menu. 10. Fixed the visual problems whith yellow bricks. 11. Fixed the level design problem in Level 3-3. 12. OK 13. OK 14. Fixed all branding isssues. 15. Included “Wesley Jue” to credits screen.
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