70 | 387K |
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Nov 1, 2008
Grey matter is an anti shooter, or a shooter without bullets.
Essentially your the bullet.
Run into the exposed brains of incoming attackers to destroy them.
Killing 3 of the same type of enemy will cause a “Trinity attack” killing everything inside it.
Avoid enemy dangers (flashing bullets, tails, teeth and lazers)
Download the stand alone version here
http://www.newgrounds.com /downloads/flash/greymatt er.zip
(it runs faster)
-You can upgrade at any time in game by pressing P or Esc to pause the game.
-Shields are most important and should be purchased first.
-Holding shift will not only slow you down for better control, but it will also extend, and speed up your options that spin around you.
-Trinity Attacks will increase your chain multiplier which gives you more points for upgrades
All the rest of the info is in game
-Edmund & Tommy
Grey Matter can be played with the Xbox 360 controller using FlashJoystick.
To install FlashJoystick visit
http://flashjoystick.pill owfortgames.com/
To install mapping for this game you’ll need this file.
once FlashJoystick is installed, if you just hit open instead of save for the .fstick file, it’ll auto load into FlashJoystick and you’ll be able to play.
Special thanks to Tommy for FlashJoystick!
Arrows = move
Space= Boost
Shift= Slow
P/Esc = Pause
97 | 10 | 28M |
97 | 674K |
96 | 612K |
97 | 15 | 74M |
97 | 437K |
96 | 13 | 11M |
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