89 | 2M |
Play game
Jun 1, 2010
Bubble Tanks Arenas (BTA) is a spin off of the traditional Bubble Tanks series. We created it to develop and test out some powerful new features that someday will be implemented in the upcoming Bubble Tanks 3!
Rather than being able to move freely around the world, in BTA you can fight in Arenas, series of Bubblefields filled with enemies. That's alright, but what makes it awesome is that you can create your own tanks and arenas! You can design your own avatar tanks, enemy tanks, and arenas as well as search to see what other players have created. If you're worried about quality, don't fret: Hero Interactive will constantly be making new Arenas for you to try out!
This game has been long in development and a massive undertaking- by far the largest game we've ever coded. We hope you all enjoy it!
Added an "Efficiency Mode" button under the "Settings" menu (from either in game or the main menu). Although we can't guarantee anything, if you are experiencing heavy lag this new fancy button might just clear that up. It adjusts the settings, effects, and frame rate and in our experience has really boosted the game speed on slower computers.
The Sticky Enemies in the second arena "The Goober" has had it's life dropped from 18 to 10.
A new part for avatar tanks has been created: the "Mega Cannon". Essentially all it is is a glorified Heavy Cannon but for large class 4 or larger tanks with slow movement speed. It deals 1 more damage than a Heavy Cannon but costs 1 GP less. This combined with Auto Cannons, Massive Cannons, Bullet Busters, and Shields can give your large class tank a fighting chance and some really massive damage dealing capabilities (use Bullet Buster and Shield for defense). If you complete the built in Arena "The Surprise" you can unlock it. If you already beaten that Arena, it should automatically unlock for you.
Each enemy Mine Layer can only drop a maximum of 8 mines. So if you have an enemy with 2 Mine Layers it can do 16, etc... If it creates more than 8 mines out, it'll pop the oldest one.
If an enemy is composed of only a Seeker Carrier and then you pop that, the Enemy automatically dies now.
We've looked into the intro loader audio problem. Not 100% sure it is fixed, we'll find out...
If you try to edit an enemy with over 12 GP, you can now.
Cheat Code now has an option to get up to 50 GP (you cannot save tanks with over 12).
We've also made a significant number of miscellaneous security/bug fixes.
Tutorials are listed in-game. All keyboard commands can be configured via Settings.
Don't forget when in an Arena that pressing 'P' will pause and open up more options!
95 | 6 | 2M |
97 | 8 | 6M |
98 | 610K |
95 | 26M |
95 | 44M |
97 | 1 | 376K |
96 | 25M |
95 | 6 | 7M |
96 | 12 | 4M |
95 | 2 | 444K |