Relic Hunter

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Dec 14, 2022


Fight through hordes of monsters to collect relics in this action packed roguelike! Gather the 4 diamond relics and bring them to the stone structure in the middle of the map to win! Be wary though, every 6 minutes an attack wave of monsters will attack the monument. Defend it or you will lose! Unlock powerful abilities as you level up! Then, regardless if you win or lose, take the coins that you obtained to upgrade yourself and the abilities you can get while playing.

Stand close to the large stone that is near the starting area to heal!


Controls are typical of a RTS (Real Time Strategy) game. As this was made to stress test an engine in that genre I'm working on.
- Right click to move
- 1 to use Whirlwind
- 2 to use Axe Throw
- P to pause
- H to hold position

December 14, 2022

There has been feedback that right click to move is causing issues for some players. So I have updated the game to allow for left click to move as well. The in-game instructions have also been updated to reflect this change. NOTE: For some of you with this new version the graphics may be really messed up. The only way to fix this is to clear your cache going back to when you first played this game. New players shouldn't have this issue.
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