String Theory 2

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May 19, 2017


In search of her lost colleagues, Eva enters the second dimension. Will you help her find her way through this weird dimension, and get everyone back to the Upper Plane?

Google Chrome is highly recommended!

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Strings (lines) can be manipulated by clicking and dragging. Bring the colored triangle to the end (dark triangle) to finish the puzzle.
If the level has more exits, all shapes need to enter their respective ends (circle → circle exit)
You can press R to reset the level

June 25, 2017

Hey everyone! We just released version 1.1 which supports Safari! It's a shame so many of you had to switch to Chrome for the game to work, but now you'll'be able to play on Chrome, Firefox and Safari ;) We've also fixed some minor graphical issues, as well as a bug in the final level where you would be unable to finish the game. Cheers!
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