Wrong Turn

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Oct 22, 2018


Wrong Turn is a simple procedurally generated, turn-based adventure game. You play as a lost hiker who took a wrong turn and ended up falling into a mysterious basement cellar. Now, with no way out your only option is to press downward, fighting off enemies, dodging traps, and collecting gold along the way! How long can you survive?

This game was developed over the span of 6 weeks to help me cement programming skills I have learned over the past year. The goal of this game was to develop a fully functioning, enjoyable experience, and release it before a set due date.

I am happy with the overall product and look forward to moving onto more projects throughout the year! I am looking to create a team with other programmers/artists/sound engineers who are around my skill level for projects moving forward. If you are interested in joining/creating a team with me please contact me through here, or dm on twitter @jamiiieross!

Thank you for playing, all constructive criticism is welcome.


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