ForumsThe TavernDumbest Self-Injury

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787 posts

Well, one day my friend and I were pouring diet coke on each other because we were bored. My can became empty eventually, so I began to run. Eventually I was out front and two meters away from a tree. I turned around to see how far he was and, as it turns out, he was close. I proceeded to run at full force in the other direction, into the tree. I slammed my knee and bashed my face off the tree. I fell down immediately and my friend poured what was left of his coke on me. I'm fine now, save for a nice scar on the left side of my face.

So my question: What is the dumbest/most humiliating way you've managed to harm yourself?

  • 37 Replies
776 posts

How convenient for this thread to have appeared...

Hey let's form a club.
About 3 days ago I was camping. When you camp there are no toilets; I had to use the tree at about 1:30 AM. I walked to the tree line, and due to the lack of light, did not see the branch sticking out at exactly eye level. A stick directly into the left eye is as painful as it sounds. I walked over to the dining hall, where there was a mirror, looked in my eye, and saw the piece of wood stuck in the skin under my lower eyelid. I had to use a tweezers to pull the piece of wood out of my eye. The wood was stuck about halfway in.
1,773 posts

i was just playing with a swiss knife {this very seconde}.
as i pass the blade on my finger, i just realised that it start to cut in. and i think to myself "wow! this is a sharpe knife!". and then realised that i keep cutting. damm this is hurt like hell.

767 posts

i was just playing with a swiss knife {this very seconde}.

How idiotic! You don't play with a Swiss knife...Bowie knives are better and softer...

Well for school we do fitness tests and I was doing the one where you do pullups, but you hold your chin above the bar? I believe it is called an flexed arm hang? Well I was resting my chin unaware that when I let go it will most likely break a bone in my neck area. So I was getting tired and I let go. Luckily my tip of the chin was resting so all I felt was a little pain. Lucky me. Hehe.
14 posts

I was around 9 or 10 when my parents bought me a new bike for school. One day, I was coming home with my friends, and we came on top of one of the biggest hills in my neighborhood. My friends dared me to ride it with my bike, and like an idiot, I accepted the challenge.

So, I hopped on, got some speed, and started to roll down...only to find halfway through that I had too much speed, and couldn't control it. So, I fell, sliding and rolling down the concrete, ending up into the nearby ditch along with the bike. And it didn't stop at cuts and bruises: The front wheel had been busted, scattering the steel spokes of the wheel...and somehow I managed to high-five one of those spokes, and it went right through my left hand. Dazed and scared, I yanked my hand out, too shocked to feel any pain, but I had a gaping, bloody hole in my palm that had to be cleaned and stitched shut in a hospital.

I still have scars on both side of my hand because of it. They serve as a good reminder on how I will never accept any more dares that can possibly cause harm to my physical well-being.

5,061 posts

Jumping across rocks at the river, and at this point we'd been there for a while so we knew there was places where the rocks were incredibly slippery and, or liable to shift, yet I tried to jump across what was probably a four foot gap, landed off balance on a slippery rock and careened into the water, the rock I landed on caught my arm and left a gash about two inches long. I spent the rest of the trip to shore awkwardly wading through five foot deep water with my hand stuck in the air.

1,100 posts

Ah, finally! A thread where people can actually expose some dumb moments without being criticisized!

While I kind of agree with Devoidless when he says that all self injuries are dumb, I've had my share of self-inflicted, eh... "accidents"

The dumbest one I recall it's not the one which hurt the most. But it was rather stupid. Winter morning. I was on school. I was with a light cold and was sneezing. When all of sudden the biggest sneeze showed up...

... I sneezed so hard that I wound up face-planting the desk. I got a bruise on my forehead and got all of my classmates laughing at me.

13,055 posts

Trying to do a 180 degree flip while jumping on my rear wheel (mountain bike) and hitting the inside of my knee, dropping my bike and sitting on a rock to try to get the pain to go away while everything turn black and seeing lighting bugs everywhere.
It still hurt when I think of it. xD

275 posts

I was playing with a stapler. Which is really dumb to begin with, and I stapled my finger. It hurt really bad, but definitely not the most painful experience I have had.

154 posts

I tried to poke my friend with the flat side of a pencil, and stabbed my hand. It was sort of horizontal, not directly into my hand.

256 posts

I was in school and when i reached in my desk to get a book, I stabbed myself with a pencil.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I was young when this happened. Maybe eight years old, but I'm not sure. I remember I was cutting some piece of paper with the scissors. Suddenly, I had a strong urge to test the effectiveness of those scissors on my finger. Don't ask me why, I just did it. I cried for days...

256 posts

Also, part of that pencil is still in me, you can see a mark of graphite under my skin.

20 posts

I tripped over a branch and punched myself in the face... Don't judge me lol.

385 posts

Hm, well I am more clumsy so most of my injuries are not from me being dumb, just me not being able to walk. Um... I guess I slit my eyebrow open one time (less then an inch from my eye) when I was in the pool running to an edge and I slipped, and being younger (Maybe 5) I hit right on the corner.

15,595 posts

I was in school and when i reached in my desk to get a book, I stabbed myself with a pencil.

I did this a few years ago, the piece of graphite is still visible on my forearm.

Around four years ago I was riding my bike and thought I could hop onto a curb, turns out I couldn't, I fell off and hit some ribs on the peg. It didn't trouble me at first, but a few hours later a large bruise showed up so I went to the hospital, the doctor told me I had a hairline fracture.

I don't have many self injuries, most of them were caused by other things. Like I've broken my left index finger and got another hairline fracture on some ribs during football. I have a small scar on my hand from a cat. Marks on the back of my right calf because of a bike, and other small things like that.
Showing 16-30 of 37