This is a remake of build a colony for world domination, but a little better
RULES: No spamming, No swearing, NOT turn based anymore,
This is your colony sheet:
Colony: Colony size: XS Colony name: People: 10/10 Months survived: 0 January Income: 0 Spent: 150 ---------------------------------- Millatary: H.Soilder Officer Health 100/100 Health 500/500 EXP: 0/200 Rank 10: 500 to lvl Pay: 100 Food. Pay: 50 Food. Months served: 0 Months served: 0 Age: 22 Age: 19 ------------------------------------- Food: 5000 Farm LV: 0/500 Trade LV: 0/500 Tech LV: 0/500 Gate: 1000/5000 ------------------------------------------------ Barracks: Not in use. Special buildings: None
I may add more later.
Each post equals 1 month, so EACH POST add 1 to month survived.
Note that you must appoint officers from the population, to increase your stats but they will rank up and with rank will increase how fast and how good they do things, but will require more pay.
Soilders and officers will retire on 2 conditions: * Not enough pay * Above 50 Years of age.
Scavenging and PVP * To scavenge you need some soilders, and a leading officer, its dangerous out there, so somepeople may not come back Pros: Extra burst of food Cons: May lose some men * Also there is PVP, Where you can rais smaller colonys and eventually take them over. Pros: New colony and more food Cons: More work for you and is mean to newbie's. Note You MUST post your main colony and the colony's you've taken over's stats. Note: if you lose your colony im sorry but you just got to start over.