ForumsThe TavernOperation: Increase Forum Interest

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13,344 posts

I probably could have come up with a more clever name had I put more effort into thinking about it, but this one seems to get the point across just fine.

The purpose of this operation, as its name suggests, is to increase forum interest throughout the entire site. Site activity is not a problem with this newer generation of users, forum interest is. Only a handful of users who joined in 2012 have over 300 forum posts; which, if you're active enough, really should not take more than a month or so to achieve. The problem here is, these users are active, but the 2012 generation of users in general is far more interested in messaging others than they are posting in the forums.

Well, that can be changed. Most of you are somehow in contact with users who are active on the rest of the site but have no interest in the forums. What I want you all to do is, when you're having a nice little conversation with them, tell those users about how great the community is and somehow make them interested in wanting to post here. Don't go to random people's pages and start preaching to them about forum greatness, but if you happen to be talking to a user who is active here but seems intimidated by the community somehow, let them know what they're missing.

Now, what I really don't want to see is a plethora of pessimistic comments like "Oh, this won't work" or "Don't waste your time", because frankly that bores the hell out of all of us and it doesn't help anybody. This idea of mine may not work, but I ask that everyone who can at least try it for the betterment of the community.

  • 91 Replies
708 posts

Many of the known users left AG2 and said they will come back for AG3.

That can be a possible reason for the lack of activity here in the forums. AG3

1,373 posts

The problem here is, these users are active, but the 2012 generation of users in general is far more interested in messaging others than they are posting in the forums.

This is true, it is the same case with me unfortunately. But none the less it is a good idea and should be spread threw out AG. I didn't attend the forums mainly cause no forum post interested me, but still having a active forum is important for AG from what I see. This is a good idea and I think that it is something every AG user should do.
3,766 posts

The problem here is, these users are active, but the 2012 generation of users in general is far more interested in messaging others than they are posting in the forums.

I post in the forums a decent amount, but the problem is that threads are not being made that people care about. Then people leave the forums because no threads interest them. If those people that left just made threads that they think would be interesting there probably would not be a problem.

Also, I think lots of new users seem to care about AP more then the community. So they are smart enough to figure out that messaging people gets them points faster then posting in the forums.
Now, what I really don't want to see is a plethora of pessimistic comments like "Oh, this won't work" or "Don't waste your time", because frankly that bores the hell out of all of us and it doesn't help anybody.

Silly Ernie. You should know that the people that post that crap don't read more then the title and 2 words of the opening post.
1,361 posts

What I want you all to do is, when you're having a nice little conversation with them, tell those users about how great the community is and somehow make them interested in wanting to post here.

Hah, way ahead of you there! I've been trying to get people interested since before I could even post in the forums! It hasn't worked much for me so far, but I'll never give up on it!

The problem here is, these users are active, but the 2012 generation of users in general is far more interested in messaging others than they are posting in the forums.

I'm actually MORE interested in posting here than in the messenger, but there aren't too many places to post due to new threads rarely ever being made anymore... and there are only so many threads that you can post in every day! =P
5,875 posts

but there aren't too many places to post due to new threads rarely ever being made anymore... and there are only so many threads that you can post in every day! =P

That's not really my problem. Nowadays, there aren't a lot of interesting threads. And I guess we lost our creativity. I normally stick to sports threads and a few others I find here and there.
That can be a possible reason for the lack of activity here in the forums. AG3

I don't see why AG3 is the problem here. They are wiping a few things but it's not the cause. Older users are dying off because of life of course.
Also, I think lots of new users seem to care about AP more then the community. So they are smart enough to figure out that messaging people gets them points faster then posting in the forums.

It's hilarious how people care about AP. It won't get you very far. I guess they think that if they get a bunch of AP they'll be popular or something like that. Watch out for more whining when AG3 comes out.

Hope your idea works Ernie, because I have to sit here and wait 20 hours just for somebody to post.
5,952 posts

I'm actually MORE interested in posting here than in the messenger, but there aren't too many places to post due to new threads rarely ever being made anymore... and there are only so many threads that you can post in every day! =P

Yeah, their are only a few good threads out their but I like it better.
I cant really say much more to this.... hope it works though.
13,344 posts

Many of the known users left AG2 and said they will come back for AG3.

Which is another way of saying they'll never be back.

Honestly, all AG3 has done is drive people away. Whether it's because people want a change or rather they've left because they've given up on it, so far nothing good has come from the idea of AG3.

But that's a completely different discussion. The idea behind this thread has nothing to do with AG3. It's all about AG2.

I didn't attend the forums mainly cause no forum post interested me, but still having a active forum is important for AG from what I see.

If you can think of something that does interest you, you can always make a thread about it.

the problem is that threads are not being made that people care about.

That is a problem. What's also a problem is, a lot of people don't know how to make threads these days. There are too many threads that can only be replied to once or twice by each user; threads like this only work if there are enough new ones every day to keep people interested. We're all aware that this is far from the case.

The best threads are threads that can be kept alive by a handful of users and don't rely on the entire community to stay alive. Otherwise it isn't really a discussion anyway, it's just a bunch of people replying to the same one or two questions.

Also, I think lots of new users seem to care about AP more then the community. So they are smart enough to figure out that messaging people gets them points faster then posting in the forums.

It may just be a generational thing in general. This is the generation that's famous for sending hundreds of text messages every day. Getting 2 imaginary points for every message adds a false incentive to the magic of texting, but there's nothing equivalent to a forum post in length except maybe a long break-up text, and I don't think anyone enjoys writing those.

You should know that the people that post that crap don't read more then the title and 2 words of the opening post.

But saying that does allow me to shout at those people without it being completely unwarranted.

I've been trying to get people interested since before I could even post in the forums!

Now that's enthusiasm.

I'm actually MORE interested in posting here than in the messenger, but there aren't too many places to post due to new threads rarely ever being made anymore... and there are only so many threads that you can post in every day! =P

Make more threads. Nothing is stopping you.

Nowadays, there aren't a lot of interesting threads. And I guess we lost our creativity.

There's always something to make a thread about. The hard part is finding something that would hold people's interest for more than just one or two replies. The sports threads are good because they allow for a continuous discussion rather than just a "reply-and-go" type thing.

Hope your idea works Ernie, because I have to sit here and wait 20 hours just for somebody to post.

It will work if enough people are willing to put in the effort.
1,361 posts

Make more threads. Nothing is stopping you.

Except a lack of creativity. =P

If I could think of anything that I thought people wanted to talk about, I would have made a thread on it by now... as you've said, a thread that people can only be interested in once is barely a thread at all!

But when something comes to mind, I shan't hesitate to turn it into a thread!
1,824 posts

We should compile a list of the remaining common posters. That way, we could all message each other easily to help maintain the forums.

Also, once the forums are overhauled, we should all work together (the common posters) and make stickies of the useful threads.
For example, we need to create a thread in AG3 that does the same thing as the general science thread, and put that as a stickie.

Also, instead of deleting duplicates, we need to see when the last post on the previous version of the thread was made. The forums are dying because good thread ideas from the past are shut down because they are "a duplicate" even though the last post on the similar thread was months ago.

8,051 posts

Operation: S.A.V.E

S.a.v.e Armorgames' Void Enterprise


--AG3 coming out soon! (2 years ago)

15,595 posts

I rarely try to start conversation on here via messenger, but I've gotten one person to make an account and he occasionally posts.

I also try to get other off-site friends to post when I create a thread/a thread interests me, but they never seem to want to. They probably don't like the people here or how the forum has tons of issues, which is understandable.

3,139 posts

Make more threads. Nothing is stopping you.

Except a lack of creativity.

Be careful here though, you don't want to make a whole bunch of threads all at once. We had that recently.

The problem is and i'll admit to being guilty of this: Lack of activity has meant those of us who spend way too much time on here run out of things to do and jump on any discussion. It sometimes makes out posts more about quantity than quality. I think with a forum revival, we should also focus on the quality.
12,319 posts

Which is another way of saying they'll never be back.

Why do you think AG3 will not come out? Just because the admins have failed to update us on AG3 doesn't mean they are not working on it. Or to put this in another way:

secret =/= non-existent

Also, once the forums are overhauled, we should all work together (the common posters) and make stickies of the useful threads.

Only the mods and admins can sticky threads, and I find them resistant to persuasion. Therefore, I think this is equivalent to asking for the ability to sticky, which would be vulnerable to abuse and should not be given to the normal users.
15,595 posts

secret =/= non-existent

Two years of no visible progress. Sure we've seen the closed beta with a messaging feature and open beta with site design, but that's it. They refuse to go into detail about AG3 and there's nothing proving that they are still working on it.
1,666 posts

well, we do know everyone who posted on this forum (including me) are active, i usally can get about 5 posts in every day.

this thread is much like the pickle project, and many others around the tavern.

ernie, you might hate for this, but...

dont waste your time.

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