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there have been amy arguments about how the AP system should change. I dunno if they even want to change it at all, but they never gave us that meassage, so dont give most of the blame on me

say no change if u dont care about it

Heres what u should include

Profile Comment:
Rating Games:
Game Commets:
Forum posts:
Game Submissions:

You have to make reasonable point change.

Also include why u want to change it that way.

Profile Comment:1 AP
Rating Games:1AP
Game Commets:2AP
Forum posts:1AP
Game Submissions:30AP
Referrals:15 AP

Profile comments are usually chatting, i think it should be lowered to 1 or nothing, it reduces the amount of points on the top 100, because they talk for points.
Rating games is just playing and pressing, no communicating watsoever.
Game comments are nice, and show you opinion.
Froum osts stay the same.
Many game submitters worked hard on their games, why not give more points?
Referrals arent a thing to spam easily and it helps the AG community by bringing more people.
Merits are good as always.

  • 37 Replies
132 posts

Profile Comment: 1 AP (or none)
Rating Games: 1 AP (there could possibly be no thought process involved)
Game Comments: 2 AP (Fine as is)
Forum posts: 2 AP (There are many people who aren't too active on the forums anyways)
Game Submissions: (Keep the same)
Referrals: (Keep the same)
Merits:25 AP (Possibly 30: They aren't given out too often)

536 posts

First off, I don't think it will be changed anytime soon, this would cause so many people to get angry, and right now the code has nothing differentiating game comments, and profile comments, so they would have to spend FOREVER changing that. Also, theres not a good reason profile comments should be less than game comments, games are already were most of the spam is, and this would just be promoting it a lot more! It would be just too hard for them to change the points, but if they did, they would have to have it too were it doesn't change your current points, but just to were the point assigning is like (however the new thing would be) from now on. If they did that to were it changed our current points, It would just anger about half of the people who are active, and then we really would need more mods!

608 posts

I think that the way that AG runs the points system is just fine. besides maybe the game submissions. i think that they should be worth 30 points.

40 posts

I like the way it is reight now, and if it had to change, I think that really to reduce spam on profile and game comments there could be a thing where any comments with less than 50 characters are 1 pt, and comments with more 2 pts, or even go up to five depending on how many characters or words there are because some people who have debates and are putting tons of thought into their comments, and other people even go to other people's pages for game help if that person had said on the game page that they had beaten the game.

I think that forum post should be the same way, with 1 pt to people who say "I agree" or "no way" and more to people who write paragraphs and try to explain their point of view because in my opinion, the point system is a source of pride and a way to show how active somebody is, and if the points go like that, someone can say "Wow, that person doesn't comment or post in the forums much, but they must put a lot of thought into it because they've got merits and tons of points!".

As for game submissions, the programmers spend valuable time making games, and most of them are serfs who have just 4 games submitted and nothing else. If these are worth 50 pts, then it's more rewarding to them to keep making good games. And besides, not just any one can make a good game.

Referrals should stay the same because I think that people who abuse them are worthless anyway and should feel guilty about it.

And lastly, merits. Maybe I just want more points, but I recently got four merits and I want them to count more, and the people who get them spend a good chunk of time playing the game to get a good idea of what they want to write, and then more actually writing it.

Final Suggestion:

Profile Comment: 1-5 (depending on how many words are used)
Rating Games: 1-2 (most people put thought into it and you can only
rate a given game once)
Game Comments: 1-5 (depending on how many words are used)
Forum posts: 1-3 (again depending on how many words are used)
Game Submissions: 50 (these games are good so why not reward the
Referrals programmers: 15 (This is great where it is)
Merits: 30 (These are pretty rare, and it would show more where the
good users are

242 posts

As long as we're throwing out suggestions...

Profile Comment: 0, it's just for chatting
Rating Games: 1 easy to do, but useful for games
Game Comments: 0 except for merits, cut down on spam
Forum posts: 0 this is not a forum site, this is a game site
Game Submissions: 25 this is a games site, the game maker deserves the most points.
Referrals : 10 larger communities are worth it
Merits: 10 this is where you get points for

1,973 posts

I like the comment points to go down, but a point change has been suggested numerous times! I think it might even be in the sticky, but if not, then it should be! XP

2,611 posts

This should be it

Profile Comment:0AP
Rating Games:1AP
Game Commets:0AP
Forum posts:2AP
Game Submissions:25AP

6 posts

I signed up a few months ago but never logged on (I had unfortunantly lost my password) so I've missed out on alot until I remembered it. Sadly it was the same thing I always use.. But, back to the topic at hand; I personally beleive it should all basically stay the same except Game Submissions; Many people work months on their games, tirelessly and sometimes they are extremely good. At other times bad.. So they should be bumped upto 45 or higher. From what I know of merits they are hard to get so they should boost the amounts of AP you receive.

729 posts

Profile Comment:1AP
Rating Games:5AP
Game Comments:3AP
Forum posts:2AP
Game Submissions:20AP

Profile comments may be just talking, but AP points are for showing user activity.
Rating Games does not change.
Game comments should get 3 AP because they reflect you or another person's ideas to the game creator.
Game submissions are worth 20AP because some games are hard to make, but they do not show much user activity.
Referalls stay the same.
Merits are worthy comments that deserve a higher reward.

1,973 posts

Oh, and referrals are worth 10ap not 5. Where did you get that info from? Haha

1,651 posts

I'm guessing that is what he wants it to become or something? No one can be that wrong. Unless he is a bit drunk. So, this is pretty much over so can we have a Mod lock this then? It's tedious seeing this topic over and over.

1,651 posts

This topic has already been made. We also have a sticky to submit our suggestions somewhere. I forgot where it is. Anyways, this is just a sub-section of what we need to suggest on so eh.

750 posts

Profile comment: Create a little text analyzer. If five or more words 1 point.
Rating games: 1, little to no thought processes.
Game comments: Use text analyzer again. 1 point for 5 words or more. 2 for over 50.
Forum posts:2 with possibility of a merit.
Game submissions: 25 points initially. After a certain period of time, like a month, further points awarded based off a combination of average rating and plays (up to 100 total).
Referrals:10, they enlarge the community.
Merits: 20 with moderators able to award more if of very high caliber.

113 posts

I think that they should leave it the same. Maybe raise forum posts worth and game submition.

10,816 posts

Hm, while recognising this is a recycled thread and that changing incentives will only alter exploitation, I have this to respond to:

Kanethebrain wrote:

Forum posts: 0 this is not a forum site, this is a game site

Well, I'm going to suggest that while this may be a game site that there is a good reason for encouraging members to participate in the forum as a community-minded and intellectual venture, and so forum posts should be awarded at least a minimal amount of points.
Showing 1-15 of 37