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Helloooo, and welcome to Armor Trivia! I'm your host, Nerdsoft, and tonight we'll be playing AG Trivia! You may pre-sign now and get to play round one! The round will start on the 27th, but only when five people have joined. You can also vote on a theme. You may submit a request but must also vote on someone else's. Like this:
no0b: lol i think we shuld hav diferent kinds of nuts but i ges i vote for colors
Grammar Nazi: That "no0b" needs a spelling lesson. Anyway, I vote for colors too.
And so on. Now, what I will do is ask everyone a question. One question per sub-round. If you don't do a question, it won't be counted, same as losing one. Every five sub-rounds the player with the most wins is chosen as the winner.

  • 14 Replies
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