ForumsThe TavernArmor Games Community Activity Initiative

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3,152 posts

Welcome! Please grab a cup of coffee, and one of those delicious donuts most kindly donated by R2.

As you can guess from the title, this is yet another attempt at solving the AG activity problem. This problem has been ever present since late 2010. Many reasons as to the cause have been presented, ranging from a much delayed release of AG3, to lacking of a community manager, or the end of the flash gaming era.

I do have a couple of ideas concerning activity and how to increase it. Whether these are the keys to solving the issues at hand or not is unbeknownst to me, but I most certainly feel it is definitely worth the effort.

I'm not going into details - yet. Firstly, I'm going to need a few volunteers. More the better, but not more then 20 (20, yeah right...) Don't volunteer then become inactive that would not be beneficial to anything.

  • 428 Replies
15,595 posts

This may work for a few weeks then everyone will lose interest, just like the other hundred of these threads. You can't make people use the site and frankly this forum isn't all that interesting. You could make some interesting threads, but it'll just be the same old people that are here now and those threads will also give out within a few weeks if they require any sort of work.

It had to be said, best friend.

9,808 posts

And we're the three best friends that anybody could have. We're the three best friends that anyone could have. We're the three best friends that anyone could have. And we'll never ever ever ever ever leave eachother. We're the best three friends that anyone could have. I mean the three best friends that anyone could have. Cuz we're the three best friends that anybody could have...

I'm in

9,439 posts

I never become inactive. I'm in.

For starters, they could change Community to Forum so people know what the heck it is. Maybe add links at the bottom of games so users can properly report bugs and stuff instead of complaining in the comments.

5,952 posts

Sorry Xeano, but I agree with Matrix. The people who are active come together to raise activity among the active crowd, thus the active people are still active and nothing happens. Im not being pessimistic, just realistic. There is no way to really fix it other than make it more interesting. Besides, now is exams time (at least for me), I wouldnt count on a huge increase in activity. The summer should bring some people back....
That being said, I would sign up to raise your moral, but I have exams soon and I simply dont have time.
If you still have room when im done, then maybe.

1,673 posts

Meh, my track season is pretty much over, so I'll volunteer. I don't need to study for exams; the A's will come anyway.

This probably won't work, like others said, but at least it will be an interesting thread to post in for the time being.

5,129 posts

maybe when you've gone into detail...

i made some people play the game on AG. but it's not very likely they are going to join the forum. they have their forums elsewhere.

the end of the flash gaming era

flash games are booming due to app's on smartphones.
a website community is in that market not a priority anymore. because people play the games from their own device instead of online.
1,269 posts

Try again in the summer, many people are having exams right now (me included).

For starters, they could change Community to Forum

Please do, I didn't even know Armor Games had a forum until I accidentley clicked on "Community".
8,051 posts

The only impact users/mods can have is at persuading administrators to do things.

3,152 posts


Matrix ol' buddy, can't you be a little more encouraging? I mean, starting the thread off with that post pretty much killed my whole effort dear friend.

There is no way to really fix it other than make it more interesting.

Very nicely put pick. That's why we are here.

Try again in the summer, many people are having exams right now (me included).

I'm trying to get it done before summer. Activity is going to croak when everyone goes on vacations to Florida and stuff.

a website community is in that market not a priority anymore. because people play the games from their own device instead of online.

Competition from that stuff is rather stiff. We need a new gimmick to get some attention.

The only impact users/mods can have is at persuading administrators to do things.

We all know that already.

Okay... This is not starting off good. Only three other volunteers other then me? *groans*

Don't give up on me yet. At least give my idea(s) a go.
15,595 posts

Matrix ol' buddy, can't you be a little more encouraging? I mean, starting the thread off with that post pretty much killed my whole effort dear friend.

I can't. These never go anywhere productive. It only turns into a circle-jerk with the regulars complaining about the forum and suggesting things they have no control over.
The sooner everyone learns these don't work the better, you simply can't control activity. Just try your best to bring quality.
9,439 posts

Try again in the summer

You mean wait two weeks? That's when it would be most beneficial to implement some of the stuff, not begin planning.

The only impact users/mods can have is at persuading administrators to do things.

"The only impact protesters can have is at persuading those with power to do things."
And that never works, right?

There is no way to really fix it other than make it more interesting.

Thus, we should find ways to make it more interesting.
18,319 posts

Yes people. Eat my donuts.

I'll join but just warning you, next week I'll be on vacation. I may be inactive that whole week maybe even a few more extra days.

For starters they should put the community button somewhere obvious, like maybe put it on the right side of the "My Games" button or maybe right next to the ArmorGames sign. That way people could check it out.

4,170 posts

Ooo, yes. We understand that this might not work, but we know where we've gone wrong in the past. I can only speak for myself, but I believe the first Pickle (second one is irrelevant) and the War of Falta de Actividad threads failed due to the lack of a leader or real action. The lack of leadership can be solved by eliminating the need for one. We can't look upon xeano as being the sole man. We need to get some initiative and do this stuff ourselves if it's necessary. The problem with my threads (not trying to sound egotistical) is that I took the leadership role myself. That was extremely idiotic of me. Now, for the problem regarding real action, we have Ferret. We need to use his presence and power and dig up that argumentative quality and the inventiveness previous threads have possessed. By combining the two qualities and creating an adaptable process, we may have something on our hands. But now we can't really worry abut that because this isn't what this thread is for. We should keep that in the back of our minds, however.

Alright, so, this thread is already gleaming with that awesome inventiveness. You folks are bringing back those long lost, forgotten ideas that got buried under the joy of finally getting a community manager. Make the community link more noticeable, make the community more interesting, yes, those are awesome ideas. In fact, I applaud you! For those of you pessimists that're saying, "Blah this **** never works 'cause we don't have power over it," do you remember how Ferret got hired? We did that.

So enough about my little rant. We should do whatever we're supposed to be doing.

15,595 posts

For those of you pessimists that're saying, "Blah this **** never works 'cause we don't have power over it," do you remember how Ferret got hired? We did that.

You don't have power over it. You can't control whether people use the site or not. You can't control what people post. The only thing you have control over here is yourself. The whole idea that you can bring up activity is wrong. There have been the same people here consistently for months, making a thread such as this may bring some of them into a single area, but that doesn't mean you've increased activity. They've always been around. I'm not posting this to be negative, I'm posting because it's the truth.
As for Ferret, I doubt that. They have little reason to care for the forum (besides users reporting bugs). There are millions of accounts and
15,595 posts

I see less than / greater signs STILL break posts.

to continue:
only less than sign 50 use the forum.
I'm not trying to ruin your guy's fun by any means, just discussion. If you somehow accomplish something / make a difference, GG, but otherwise I'll stick with these thoughts since this has failed in the past.

Or something like that. It's late.

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